El horario de la Biblioteca de la ETSIDI durante los meses de verano será el siguiente:
Abierta mañana y tarde de 9:00 a 20:30 h. del 1 al 18 y del 28 al 31.
Cerrada del 21 al 25 por inventario.
Abierta por la mañana de 9:00 a 14 h. del 1 al 8 y del 25 al 29.
Cerrada del 11 al 22.
Your article was interesting to read. I can’t wait to read your post. Best wishes for the upcoming update. This article is both interesting and useful.
Daylight Saving Time, or horario de verano, is a great way to make the most of the extra daylight during longer summer days. It can be a bit of an adjustment, but it helps save energy and makes outdoor activities more enjoyable.