El programa formativo Samsung Innovation Campus ofrece a los jóvenes la oportunidad de impulsar su aprendizaje y mejorar su empleabilidad.
Los conocimientos que conforman el núcleo del plan de estudios de Samsung Innovation Campus (SIC) se basan en tecnologías clave para la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, que incluyen Inteligencia Artificial (IA), Internet de las Cosas (IoT) o Big Data.
La formación es totalmente gratuita y se imparte en colaboración con algunas Universidades. Al finalizar el programa se entrega un certificado de aprovechamiento si se finaliza el curso con éxito.
The main objetive of this course is learn the entry level skills need to be a data engineer by understanding a set of processes for Big Data architecture, ingestion, storage, analysis, and visualization. Cultivate the practical skills through a series of hands-on exercises. Finally, combine the acquired skills by completing a capstone project.
Access profile
- Required: Basic understanding of program in at least one of these languages (e.g. Java, Python, Scala)
- Recommendation: Previous experience in Cloud Environment, and basic knowledge of SQL and DataBase Management System (DBMS)
Course Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to Big Data
- Unit 1. Big Data Overview and Background
- Unit 2. Current Trends in Big Data
- Quiz
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Big Data
- Unit 1. Big Data Processing
- Unit 2. Hadoop Core & Eco system overview
- Unit 3. Hadoop Architecture for Big Data
- Quiz
Chapter 3. Big Data Ingestion
- Unit 1. Data Migration from EDW
- Unit 2. Streaming Real-Time Data Sources
- Unit 3. Creating Data Pipelines with Apache NiFi
- Unit 4. Apache Kafka
- Quiz
Chapter 4. Big Data Storage
- Unit 1. Data Storage Alternatives
- Unit 2. NoSQL
- Quiz
Chapter 5. Big Data Analytics
- Unit 1. Introduction to SQL
- Unit 2. Basic Analytics
- Unit 3. Advanced Analytics
- Unit 4. Streaming Data Analysis Architecture
- Quiz
Chapter 6. Big Data Processing with Apache Spark
- Unit 1. Unstructured Data Processing
- Unit 2. Structured Data Processing
- Unit 3. Processing Streaming Data
- Unit 4. Apache Spark Applications
- Quiz
Chapter 7. Big Data Modeling and AI
- Unit 1. Machine Learning Models
- Unit 2. Apache Spark Machine Learning Library (MLlib)
- Quiz
Chapter 8. Data Visualization
- Unit 1. Open Source Visualization Tools
- Unit 2. Commercial Visualization Tool
- Quiz
Chapter 9. Security and Access Control
- Unit 1. Secure Access to Cluster Services
- Unit 2. Secure Access to Cluster Data
- Quiz
Título de la Actividad | Samsung Innovation Campus de Big Data (C31040) |
Entidad Organizadora | Servicio de Formación Permanente Vicerrectorado de Formación Permanente |
ECTS reconocidos | 3 ECTS |
Duración | 240 horas |
Modalidad | Presencial |
Lugar de impartición | ETSI Diseño Industrial |
Fecha de impartición | Pendiente de confirmación |
Plazas ofertadas | 22 |
Contacto | formacion.permanente@upm.es |
Importe de la actividad | – |