Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Group - GDESC

The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Group (GDESC) adopts the rights approach as the central element of its work, understanding it not as an issue with legal implications, but as an instrument of collective self-organization.

The work is carried out through the following actions: (1) Incorporate the rights approach in the training itineraries of the UPM through: awareness-raising actions, incorporation in undergraduate and postgraduate subjects. (2) Raise awareness about the  violation of fundamental rights (food, housing, water and energy, basic services, etc.) as well as the struggles of the subjects and their communities to make them effective. (3) Support specific communities in their struggle to make their fundamental rights effective (food, housing, water and energy, basic services, etc.) by enhancing their negotiation capacities and generating mediation spaces with those who implement the plans and policies that affect them. (4) Carry out applied research that helps diagnose situations of rights infringement; to find ways of enforceability; influence public policies.

Platform Active Members

Eva Álvarez de Andrés
