Complex systems

We are a multidisciplinary team of 20 researchers belonging to The School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering, The School of Mining and Energy Engineering, The School of Architecture, The School of Building and The School of Telecommunications and System Engineering, with long experience in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry and different engineering fields. Our training allows us to carry out high quality research work in the interdisciplinary area of ​​Complex Systems, in collaboration with similar groups in the US, South America and Europe, training doctors from various universities and countries, and favoring their international mobility and integration in companies or universities. We are also part of the Moncloa Campus of Excellence through their “Innovative Medicine” and “Materials for the Future” clusters.

Lines of work:

  • Complex networks: modeling and study of human behavior, social and ecological networks
  • Big Data: Treatment, analysis and visualization of massive data
  • Cellular automaton: Discrete model of computation studied in automata theory.
  • Classical and Quantum Chaos: Scale laws and chaos theory.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics: Time series analysis of nonlinear systems

The Complex Systems Group has extensive experience in the study of complex systems, massive data processing, non-linear dynamics and chaos, and is strongly interdisciplinary nature, investigating in areas as varied as physics, mathematics, optics, sociology, medicine, biology and agri-environmental . It is also very active in the direction of Doctoral Theses within the Doctoral Program in Complex Systems of the Technical University of Madrid.

It is part of different thematic networks, such as COMSOTEC (Sociotechnological Complex Systems), DANCE (Dynamics, Non-Chaotic Attractors and Stability), ISMC (International Soil Modeling Consortium), GuMNet (Guadarrama Monitoring Network) and AGRISOST (Sustainable Agrarian Systems). This means that The Complex Systems Group actively participates in the meetings of different Networks and maintains collaborations with various centers in the USA (Center for Nonlinear Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, MIT, New England Complex Networks Institute, University of California, University of Texas , John Hopkins University) and Europe (Rothamsted Research, University of Reading, UfZ Leipzig, Postdam Institute).