Study and Research Center for Agricultural Risk Management - CEIGRAM

It is a Mixed Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid in alliance with ENESA (public sector) and Agroseguro (private sector). It is constituted as a reference and knowledge generation center to carry out research and development of methodologies, which strives to answer to the growing concern about risk management strategies:  productive, market and environmental, that the agricultural sector faces.

CEIGRAM has shown a great commitment to global food security through research on water security and planning of food reserves in developing countries, incorporating new and advanced technologies. All of this has been possible with the support of ENESA, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), AGROSEGURO, and other centers and groups of the UPM and the private sector. Likewise, it is committed to dissemination, transfer and training in the areas in which it develops its research.

Platform Active Members

Eva Iglesias Martinez
