UBx Project Participants
Guido Sonnemann, Ph.D.
Prof. Guido Sonnemann
Prof. Guido Sonnemann is a full professor of CyVi group in University of Bordeaux. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University Rovira & Virgili, Spain (2002), M.Sc. in water biology and chemistry from the University of Poitiers, France (1996), and graduated as engineer from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (1995) with a specialisation in environmental engineering. He was UNEP Programme Officer for Innovation and Life Cycle Management. He was involved in the development of several other innovative projects in the area of integrated resource management (including also topics such as eco-labelling carbon footprinting, water footprinting and the sustainable management of industrial areas). In 2012, he started as full professor for sustainable chemistry and materials management at the University of Bordeaux, where he leads a research group on Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Chemistry (CyVi) in the Institute of Molecular Science (ISM). Since 2017 he has been coordinating the International Master Programme on Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling (AMIR). He is author of books, book chapters and scientific articles in life cycle approaches.
Email: guido.sonnemann@u-bordeaux.fr
Daye Lee, Ph.D.
Dr. Daye Lee
Daye Lee is a researcher, PhD in environmental engineering from University of Ulsan (UoU, South Korea) and Socio-Technical System from University of Technology of Troyes (UTT, France). After getting those double diploma from South Korea and France in February 2022, she has joined to CyVi group (Prof. Guido Sonneman) at the University of Bordeaux as a post-doc researcher in March 2022. She has participated in several European research projects, being Coordinator Project Manager of TripleLink. She is author of several scientific papers, and her research interests are in sustainability research towards the circular economy based on industrial ecologic tools such as material flow analysis (MFA), life cycle assessment (LCA), and input-output analysis (IOA).
Email: daye.lee@u-bordeaux.fr