UPM Project Participants
Justo García-Navarro, Project Coordinator

Justo García-Navarro is the Coordinator of the CIRCULAR Community at the European Alliance of EELISA Universities and he is a Full Professor on Agroforestry Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM (Spain). He is an architect and holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from UPM. Director of the UPM Research Group “Sustainability in Construction and Industry,” giSCI, and member of the Educational Innovation Working Group in “Electrical and automation technologies in the Rural Engineering.”
Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy of Minerals and Construction Products (UPM) and UPM Coordinator of the European AMIR (Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling) Master’s Degree, and the AMIR Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree, García-Navarro is also a member of the Commission of Experts for the evaluation of the National Technical Approvals (DIT), at IETcc-CSIC; Technical Expert of the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC); and Evaluator of R&D Projects for ACIE, AENOR INTERNACIONAL, EQA, and DNV GL.
Justo García-Navarro has worked as a researcher and head researcher in more than 50 R&D and educational projects (both at the national and EU levels). He is also the author of more than 110 scientific papers and books on sustainability in construction and was recognized with the Alfonso Martín Escudero Research Award in 2001.
Anabel Castillo Rodríguez

Anabel Castillo Rodríguez is a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in the Technological Innovation in Building program, architect from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL – Ecuador), and Master in Innovación en Tecnologías de la Edificación by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). She graduated from the UPM with her master’s thesis focused on sustainable materials, obtaining the best academic record. She is currently part of the group Sustainability in Construction and Industry, giSCI-UPM, where she collaborates in research and dissemination activities. He has participated in the project “Scientific Criteria vs Disinformation: Critical Evaluation of Circular Economy Messages”, a project that promotes the critical evaluation of initiatives focused on a circular and responsible economy, based on scientific criteria, developed by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in collaboration with FECYT. Among his fields of interest is innovation and circular economy as a way to achieve sustainable communities and cities.
Beatriz Martin Bautista-Cerro

Beatriz Martin Bautista Cerro is a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in the Technological Innovation in Building program, she has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad de Alcalá, UAH (Spain), and a Master in Investigación en Ciencias Sociosanitarias by the UAH also. She has graduated from the master focused on environmental and public health, in particular, she developed her thesis in the field of biostatistics applied to epidemiological research. She also received instruction in sustainable transitions through the course in Sustainability and Global Change taught by the UAH and the course in Lean Management on continuous process improvement by the Università degli Studi di Torino, UNITO (Italy). She is currently working for the research group Sustainability in Construction and Industry, giSCI-UPM. At the same time, she has obtained a scholarship to work at EELISA European University, specifically, she is part of the Circular EELISA Community.
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In her background she has collaborated as student in the UNITO, in the research Hidden paleosols on a higth-elevation Alpine plateau (NW Italy): Evidence fr Lateglacial Nunatak? She is also involved in volunteer work with children in situations of social exclusion at the Asociación Club los Amigos, Madrid, Spain and in the Fundación Romeo, Madrid, Spain.
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Laura Pérez Tembleque

Laura Pérez Tembleque is a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) in the Technological Innovation in Building program, she is researching the processes of architectural design based on material performances. Architect from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid (URJC), graduated with her master’s thesis in structures under an electromagnetic field. Master in Space Studies Program at International Space University (ISU- STRASBOURG), expertise in Architectural design in space with her master thesis related to the design process in space. She was part of the research program related to developing and studying the performance of smart materials at Instituto de la Ciencias de la construccuión Eduardo Torroja IETCC CSIC.
She is currently an associate professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, she is working as an architect relating her research in the construction and she is part of the group Sustainability in Construction and Industry, giSCI-UPM, where she collaborates in research and dissemination activities.
Xiaodan Yang

Xiaodan Yang is a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in the Technological Innovation in Building program, and she is currently working for the research group Sustainability in Construction and Industry, giSCI-UPM. Her research field is “circular economy transition with socio-civic commitment”. At the same time, she has obtained a CSC Scholarship 2022 (China Scholarship Council).
She worked in AGE, participated project Urban Green Heart of Auxiliary City Centre in Beijing Temporary Greening Plan Reconstruction of Cuiping Road in Tongzhou in Beijing; also she had worked in ARCplus-ECADI (East China Architectural Design & Research Institute), participated project Zhangjing River South Extension Renovation Project-Pump Gate and Management Area Planning and Architectural Design. In her par time, she organized official activities staff such as meeting between Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Art Museum of Catalonia. Also in Archiworld, she had been working as Architecture New Media Editor. In Milan World Expo “Beijing-Milan Designers Dialogue 2019 Beijing Expo”, she had been organizing the participation in the “Finding Teachers and Asking to Build” Architecture Overseas Study Tour, and at the same time participated in the Fifth China Urban and Rural Planning Implementation Symposium (UPIM) as a staff member, and organize students from architecture related majors to visit Lize SOHO designed by Zaha Hadid, BIAD-Ufo of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.
Karina Chuquispuma

A cooperação entre a plataforma de blogues UPM e o mundo dos casinos abre novos horizontes. Os autores de blogues podem partilhar as suas experiências de jogo, atraindo a atenção do público dos casinos. Os casinos, como o Ice Cassino, integram tecnologia de ponta para proporcionar uma melhor experiência aos clientes. A interação alimenta o crescimento de ambas as plataformas, enriquecendo a experiência do utilizador e criando conteúdos únicos.
Karina Chuquispuma is a Ph.D. candidate at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in the Agro Engineering program in the research line of Sustainability in Construction and Industry, giSCI-UPM, Agricultural Engineer at the Agraria La Molina University (UNALM-Peru), Master in Agro-Environmental Technology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and Master in Environmental Sciences at the Agraria La Molina University (UNALM). She is currently part of EELISA and the CIRC.LE project, where she collaborates in research and dissemination activities. She worked in the WINZ company with sustainable projects, where she helped to implement a project called Bamboo, which was a finalist in the competition promoted by the Municipality of Amsterdam. She was responsible for creating a multidisciplinary approach focused on educational sustainability for Dutch high school students by creating environmental projects. She led a team of specialists and conducted field research with companies; she also worked at GS Dual in Chile, a technology company with a vision to create energy efficiency and Smart city projects. In her spare time, she organized official activities between the Municipality of Lima, the Ministry of Culture of Peru, and her educational platform teacher at home.