Hello, to me, my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) refers to the unique set of tools, resources, and spaces that I choose and employ to support my learning process. I use this medium to search for information, create my works, and interact with other professionals in the field of my interest as well as to develop skills in the modern, technology-driven era. My PLE also helps me tailor my learning experiences to match my preferences, needs, and objectives

Below are some of the core tools that I normally use to achieve this targets.


However, in other to improve upon what I currently have as my personal learning environment tools, I have intended to use new tools like (Future Learn, TED, Mendeley, Pocket, etc) that I got my colleagues. Although, some of these tools are new to me, I will like to use them since I believe these new tools will make my learning easier.


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Hello world, I’m SANDRA ATISEY and I hail from Ghana, in West Africa, with a background in Industrial Chemistry. I have been the architect of my own dreams and the author of my unique story. With a passion for knowledge and a zest for life, I navigate the complexities of existence with a curious mind and an adventurous spirit. Life, to me, is a magnificent puzzle waiting to be solved, an unwritten story yearning for adventure. I’m a Master’s student in Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling with the aptitude to use engineering techniques to solve environmental issues. An early-stage researcher who is a very hardworking, responsible, and adaptable to materials engineering and Circular Economy, and seeking to pursue my Ph.D. education at any reputable university in the future. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem-solving. I enjoy working in a team or on my initiative. I am trustworthy, reliable, and eager to learn and have a genuine interest in environmental problems. My interests lie in resource recovery from wastes and wastes treatment including waste management and recycling.

My Personal Learning Environment: Juliette Bourden

Hey everyone,

In this post, I want to share my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and discuss areas I’d like to focus on in the future. I’ve combined two infographics to create a clear snapshot of my current tools and areas for improvement.

In terms of search tools, I’ve been using fundamental platforms like Wikipedia and Google since high school because it was mandatory to learn how to. Moving into university, the library and ScienceDirect became crucial for finding research papers even though I kept using the two others for a more broader application. Google Scholar is more for learning than direct research, at least for me, and ZoteroBib from Bordeaux has been a time-saving gem, compiling all my sources into a proper bibliography.

For learning, I’m a heavy consumer of documentaries on platforms like Canal+ and YouTube. Podcasts and TED Talks on Spotify and TEDx are my go-to during travels. Reading papers or books is a habit, and The New York Times (or any kind of papers) is where I usually read news about the world or new studies that came out. Moodle is essential for academic learning in all of the Universities I went in the past years.

In terms of creation and editing, PowerPoint and Microsoft Word used to be my go-tos, but Canva has revolutionized how I approach papers and presentations. Its user-friendliness and collaborative features make it a key tool for group work.

An interesting application that many might not be familiar with is Remarkable, fitting into both creation/editing and organizing/storage. It’s the app for my paper tablet, where I manage course materials, edit papers, create to-do lists, and schedule. But Google Drive and my iPhone calendar are staples for storage and scheduling specially the calendar that I use all the time.

On the social media front, I use the mainstream platforms mostly for personal life, with LinkedIn gaining more importance in my professional network, especially during my time in Lisbon.

As for future improvements, I’ve heard about SciHub during a class in Bordeaux and want to explore it further. MIT OpenCourseWare is another discovery a platform with a with range of course support that seems academically challenging but intriguing. Remarkable’s regular updates offer a lot of potential in new of using it or at least improvement in the way I’ve been using it. Canva, being a recent addition, feels like I’ve only scratched the surface of its capabilities, and I believe it’ll be a significant asset in my professional future.

That wraps up my PLE analysis. I hope I didn’t bore you, and perhaps you’ve discovered some new websites/apps to explore!

My Personal Learning Environment

You can find below my initial Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and the improved one that represent tools I use all the time for searching, learning, organize my work, communicate, create and where I find my inspiration daily.

My improved PLE represent the target I want to reach in the future. I want to enhance and expand my tools such as ones for searching, learning and organization and make them more professional. I also add OpenLCA which is a software I will probably use very often if I get the job that I want. Same for edit software.


My Personal Learning Environment


This is my initial personal learning environment which includes various tools grouped into seven groups which are; searching tools, learning tools, organizational and storage tools, writing and editing tools, communication tools, designing and video creation tools, and online meeting and networking tools.

In searching for other useful tools that will help me to improve my productivity, shorten my learning curve, share my ideas etc, I have found some useful tools that I included in my improved PLE. I added a new category on project management tools (Gantt Chart and Monday.com). Also, in the organization and storage I discovered NOTION could be a helpful tool for me, and in the learning category I added google podcast as my audio library. I am also looking forward to lunch my LinkedIn Newsletter as my new tool for communicating ideas and insights in my areas of expertise. Improved PLE

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Hola! My name is Edwin Francis Memirieki from Tanzania, a beautiful country you can think of for your next Safari. I have a background in Petroleum Chemistry from University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania. My passion for Sustainability and Circular Economy especially in energy transition and recycling led me to this reputable Master Program, "AMIR" in field of raw materials. I did my master one at University of Bordeaux in France and now here I am at UPM in Madrid for my second year. Apart from my academic and professional life I am storyteller and writer.

Personal Learning Environment : Julia Alonzo

Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is a way to self reflect and organize one’s multiple learning ecosystems. It promotes self-learning – taking ownership of one’s own development academically and professionally. It is also ever evolving and can be adapted as we age or as we change our career goals.

With this, below is my initial learning environment. I have organized them according to Research, Learning, Creativity or Content Creation, Organization / Storage and Communication. These aspects are the usual tools that I use.

With further reading, inputs and reviews, I improved the PLE to include new tools and a new section to illustrate the aspect of technical design. Being in a special scientific and engineering field, the tools to create technical content are also important.

The research aspect was made more modern and updated by incorporating AI tools such as Chatgpt and Research Rabbit.

Under content and creativity, I divided the tools into 2 groups: (1) writing/text content and (2) graphic design. Similarly, storage and organization are now grouped according to the function. For example, SharePoint and Teams are grouped together because they are more on collaborative tools.

Notion, is a new tool I included in the organization & storage section because it serves as an online productivity and task management application. Several colleagues recommended this to me and I would like to attempt to use it.

New learning platforms such as podcasts in spotify and the virtual/actual library of UPM are some of tools added in the learning section of the PLE.

The new section – technical & modeling have 3 main groups. First group is on data analysis tools such as Minitab, PowerBI, MatLab and so on. The next group is on technical drawing – Autocad, Visio and SketchUp. Lastly, life cycle analysis software such as OpenLCA that I already know, and additional tools that I would like to learn more about (ex. SimaPro and One Click LCA).

The over-all design was also improved to make it more contemporary and minimalist. I was also motivated to create a desktop set-up to imagine my PLE as a virtual workspace.

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Hi! I'm Julia from the Philippines. A packaging specialist that's currently working towards my master degree in circular economy under the Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling (AMIR) program. Please connect with me in LinkedIn. Looking forward to have you part of my professional network!

Personal Learning Environment

Hi everyone,

Here are the initial and improved PLE. I attempted to represent, in the simplest way possible, the tools and resources I use every week for learning, working, sharing, discovering, etc. In the improved version, I aimed to make it more design and comprehensive. This includes a section on the skills I want to work on to enhance my PLE in the future.

The structure is a bit different from the examples, as I considered platforms like YouTube can serve at the same time as a diffuser, filter, and research platform for information. Additionally, I included a section on future development because I thought it would be interesting to know and get inspirations from what others want to work on to improve their PLE.


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Hi, My name is Jules Guillaud, I am from Nantes a city in the west part of France. I started the AMIR master in 2022 in Lisbon and now in Madrid for the second year.