Gabriel Avila’s MOOC Completion

The personal branding course has been transformative, deepening my understanding of the significance of a robust personal brand. With new insights, it was possible to think about my brand, select meaningful keywords, and formulate a mission statement that truly reflects who I am.

The integration of my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) not only allows me to go deeper into specific topics but also nurtures a continuous learning mindset, crucial for the ever-evolving digital competencies, reinforcing my commitment to ongoing personal and professional growth.

In summary, this has been a dynamic process of self-discovery and skill development.

Proof of completion

Gabriel Avila’s personal reflection on the professional future

Going back from Finland with my team, Juliette and Simon, after an inspiring journey on innovation!

In contemplating my professional future, I am drawn to the intersection of chemical engineering, material science, and circular economy. As a student with a background in these fields, I am interested in the potential to revolutionize industries through sustainable practices. My passion lies in the innovative realm of thermoplastics, and simultaneously, my interest extends to advanced materials and clean energy technologies, which reflects my commitment to shaping a more sustainable world. The prospect of working on projects that contribute to cleaner energy sources and eco-friendly materials resonates deeply with my values.

I am open to embracing new challenges and adapting to emerging technologies, knowing that this adaptability will be key in making meaningful contributions. Additionally, I am not just searching for a job; I am seeking a vibrant, culturally rich city that aligns with my values and provides an inspiring backdrop for my career. The diversity and rich culture of such a city are essential for fostering creativity.

Ultimately, my reflection on the professional future revolves around a deep desire to innovate responsibly, finding sustainable solutions that harmonize with our planet’s ecological balance. I hope that the journey ahead promises not just a fulfilling career but also a chance to contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Gabriel Avila’s personal presentation

Hey, everyone!

My name is Gabriel Carvalho Bertassone Avila and I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I have always been curious about how factories and the processes around us work. Along with this fact, as I was interested in physics and chemistry after high school, I decided I wanted to become an engineer.

I graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2021, after some valuable work experiences in the field of sustainability, process engineering, and research and development. I had the opportunity to work in my hometown and also abroad, in countries like the Netherlands and Czech Republic.

Passionate about new experiences, different cultures, and foreign languages, getting a degree abroad was one of my goals and I am currently fulfilling it! I am a student in the double-degree program of the Advanced Materials and Innovative Recycling (AMIR) master, in the Materials Engineering and Circular Economy track, spending the first year of the program at NOVA University Lisbon, and the second year at UPM.

I am interested in innovation in circular economy, development of sustainable polymeric materials, advanced materials and life cycle assessment studies and excited to connect and learn more with you all!