Welcome to the TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL COMPETENCE (T4PDC) blog. T4PDC is one of the subjects of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy of Minerals and Construction Products, MUEC MCP, an inter-schools master programme of UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID, UPM.

In this space, students of MUEC MCP are working together with the students coming from the Master in Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling (AMIR), an international postgraduate program in which the University of Bordeaux, UBx (France) and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT NOVA, (Portugal) are offering a Double Diploma with UPM. This educational project is supported by EIT Raw Materials, one of the Innovation Communities of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT.

The AMIR project also involves the Technische Universität Darmstadt, TUD (Germany), the Université de Liège, UL (Belgium), and the Miskolc Egyetem, ME (Hungary).

Within the framework of this subject, students work on their PERSONAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, DIGITAL IDENTITY, and PERSONAL, SOCIAL and CIVIC COMPETENCES. It is a collaborative space for students to develop and present their training experiences.