Mariana’s Digital Identity Plan

This is my digital identity. The creation has been a thoughtful and dynamic process, centered around presenting a well-rounded professional persona. This involved careful consideration of cross-cultural awareness, strong interpersonal communication skills, and a genuine passion for sustainability. The creation and elaboration process focused on aligning my values with a commitment to circular economy practices, positioning me as a socially responsible professional ready to contribute meaningfully to the community.


My current PLE consists of Learning tools, creation and editing, communication and sharing, News and updates and organisation and storage.

I have further improved this PLE to include information filter particularly for my learning tools, qr code for communication and sharing to easen networking, to use mindmapping softwares such as Mind meister for creation and editing, subscribe to webinars and listen to podcasts more for news and updates, use more collaborating platforms like zoom, Automate tasks with integration platform tools like zappier to automate tasks for storage and organisation. Here is my improved PLE


Hi everyone,
PLE is Personal Learning Environment, a kind of  virtual table you use everyday in your academic life.
First you can see my initial PLE, I can say that it is moderate and cute. It is made of four categories: Searching Tools, Learning, Creating Editing and Organization, and finally Communication and Sharing.



It shows the steps and tools I use in my everyday work. I think it needs mor professionalism and organization that come with developing yourself everyday.
Here is my “improved ” PLE, it has more categories which means more details and order. The applications and websites used now are more professional now.

I wanted to improve the searching and learning area, as well as connection section, and still I’d like to focus on them in the future.
I’ve been using essential  platforms like Wikipedia and Google since the beginning but I added Moodle for example later. LinkedIn is a must these days since it opens a new door with every click. Canvas also is a perfect substitute  foe several websites.
Not forgetting to mention adding Calendar to help in time management and respect deadlines.
I am looking forward for learning anything new and equip myself with the skills needed to be a superior student and professional engineer later.
See you in a later post!

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Passionate engineer with a foundation in Materials Science Engineering and currently pursuing a master's degree in advanced materials and innovative recycling AMIR. Looking forward to be an effective person to achieve a better future.

Personal Learning Enviroment – Mariana Tracastro


Bellow is my primary personal learning environment, categorized into five tool groups: search, learn, organize and store tools, share, and create tools.

In my effort to enhance my existing Personal Learning Environment (PLE), I identified several valuable tools that I incorporated into the improved version as you can see below. Specifically, I introduced new tools under the “learn” category, such as Coursera, CNN, Spotify for podcast listening, Grammarly, and others. Additionally, in the “organization and storage” category, I came across news apps like Pocket, enabling me to save useful links. Under the “create” category, I included Lightroom app to edit photos and more. As for sharing, I haven’t used Twitter before, but I plan to download it to explore its potential.

Personal Learning Enviroment – Ángel Pérez Teso


I am Ángel and I would show my PLE. The actual one and my improved one too!

Where you can find my most used tools I use for learning. My Actual PLE it is a bit simple but it is not common to recive special knowledge about it, i would try to fix it!

In my improved PLE I tried to add some tools which i think that could be so useful.