Mariana’s Digital Identity Plan

This is my digital identity. The creation has been a thoughtful and dynamic process, centered around presenting a well-rounded professional persona. This involved careful consideration of cross-cultural awareness, strong interpersonal communication skills, and a genuine passion for sustainability. The creation and elaboration process focused on aligning my values with a commitment to circular economy practices, positioning me as a socially responsible professional ready to contribute meaningfully to the community.

Personal Learning Enviroment – Mariana Tracastro


Bellow is my primary personal learning environment, categorized into five tool groups: search, learn, organize and store tools, share, and create tools.

In my effort to enhance my existing Personal Learning Environment (PLE), I identified several valuable tools that I incorporated into the improved version as you can see below. Specifically, I introduced new tools under the “learn” category, such as Coursera, CNN, Spotify for podcast listening, Grammarly, and others. Additionally, in the “organization and storage” category, I came across news apps like Pocket, enabling me to save useful links. Under the “create” category, I included Lightroom app to edit photos and more. As for sharing, I haven’t used Twitter before, but I plan to download it to explore its potential.

Mariana Tracastro – Personal reflection on the professional future

In a world marked by the stark increase in climate-related disasters over the past two decades, the urgency for transformative, systemic shifts toward sustainability has become undeniable. The call for action echoes across key sectors—energy, food, health—demanding a reevaluation of our approaches and a commitment to a net-zero carbon future.

Confronted by this reality, I’ve chosen to embark on a journey of personal and professional transformation. The decision to enroll in the AMIR master’s program stems from a deep-seated desire to be an active agent of change, to contribute meaningfully to the transition towards a sustainable world.

As I reflect on my professional future, I am driven by the need to align my aspirations with the pressing demands of our time. With a background in automotive and mining industries, my goal is to leverage this experience alongside the knowledge gained from my master’s program. I aspire to secure a position in a technical area where I can integrate past expertise and recent insights, making a positive impact by championing sustainable practices and innovation in line with circular economy principles.

Mariana Tracastro – Personal presentation

Hello, I’m Mariana!

I’m originally from Brazil, but I’m currently living in Madrid because I’m pursuing a master’s degree called AMIR (Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling). This program has provided me with a deep understanding of the circular economy. As a result, I’ve shifted my mindset, and now, when evaluating any product or service, I take a critical look at its circularity. I consider factors such as how difficult it is to dismantle a product and how a service can minimize waste, among other things.

When I was younger, I had to move to 11 different cities because of my father’s job. So, I learned to adapt to new schools, make new friends, and discover new environments. This experience has made me quite dynamic and a communicative person.

I would say I am a person who really loves a challenge.

I always want to understand things and solve problems. I believe this is one of my driving forces. I really enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solutions. That is the reason I chose to work in the engineering field.

I hold a degree in Materials Engineering with 8 years of professional experience in the mining and automotive industries. My exposure to different cultures through my diverse peer network enables me to think in a cross-cultural, cross-functional way and enhances my abilities to tackle a wide range of customer issues and propose innovative solutions.

If you’d like to learn more about me, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.