My current PLE consists of Learning tools, creation and editing, communication and sharing, News and updates and organisation and storage.

I have further improved this PLE to include information filter particularly for my learning tools, qr code for communication and sharing to easen networking, to use mindmapping softwares such as Mind meister for creation and editing, subscribe to webinars and listen to podcasts more for news and updates, use more collaborating platforms like zoom, Automate tasks with integration platform tools like zappier to automate tasks for storage and organisation. Here is my improved PLE

Personal reflection on the professional future

My journey through the field of Chemical Engineering laid a robust foundation for understanding the intricate processes governing matter and energy. It was a landscape that taught me the art of problem-solving, the beauty of designing sustainable solutions, and the importance of innovation in transforming industries. The decision to embark on the AMIR master’s program further opened up a new horizon, allowing me to explore the realms of advanced materials, further enriching my professional ambitions

My professional future, guided by the fusion of Chemical Engineering and AMIR, revolves around championing innovative and sustainable materials in diverse sectors. Whether in renewable energy, healthcare, or environmental conservation, I am eager to contribute by developing materials that are not only functionally superior but also environmentally conscious.


Personal presentation

I am Monica Cherono currently enrolled in my year two of the AMIR programme in the Polytechnic University of Madrid. My academic journey has been a pursuit of knowledge and innovation.
Hailing from the Rift valley of Kenya i have always been inspired by the natural landscapes and rich biodiversity of my homeland. These experiences motivated me to pursue a career path focused on sustainability.
The AMIR programme has provided me with a platform to delve into the intricate world of material science and innovation all within the context of building a sustainable future.
Coming from an area where environmental issues often directly affect livelihoods, I’ve witnessed the importance of sustainable practices firsthand. Whether it’s the effects of climate change on agricultural patterns or the importance of conserving natural resources, these realities have strengthened my resolve to contribute meaningfully to the field of sustainability.
My aspiration is to weave together my academic learnings with real-world experiences to drive change. Through this blog, I aim to share my insights, research discoveries, and the journey of transitioning from a student to a professional in the sustainability domain. I hope to engage with like-minded individuals, spark discussions, and inspire actionable steps toward a more sustainable world.
Join me on this exciting adventure, where we’ll explore the latest innovations, sustainability initiatives, and the steps we can take, both locally and globally, to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Together towards a greener, brighter future!