We are a Cooperation Group comprised of teachers, service personnel, School of Industrial Design and Engineering (ETSIDI) students, as well as other Schools and volunteers. Our main objective is universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Our projects focus on a multiplicity of different areas, ranging from water supply systems to quality analysis, distribution, rainwater harvesting, design of sanitation systems and purification, keeping always in mind that water is a universal right.
Applied Hydraulics Laboratory (A-105). School of Industrial Design and Engineering . Technical University of Madrid. Address: Ronda de Valencia, 3. Madrid.
José Antonio Mancebo Piqueras, Pablo Quesada Cano and María del Mar Recio Díaz.
Email: cooperación.agua.etsidi@upm.es
Webpage: https://sistemasdeaguaysaneamientoparaeldesarrollo.wordpress.com/