Cultural Heritage and International Cooperation

Cultural Heritage and International Cooperation

The objective of this cooperation group is to value cultural heritage to apply policies against poverty and in favor of gender equality and socioeconomic development from the conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage and from education and its appropriation in a purposeful way. The initial experience of the Central American master’s degree in “Management and Intervention on Heritage for Development”, developed with various universities in the area, is expanded with the experience of the PHI Network (to which it is associated) and which receives the contribution of universities of reference around the current reality constructed and how to generate effective actions in the quality of life of the affected groups. The group thus incorporates more than ninety associated universities, at the moment, in a space in expectation of spectacular transformations to face the 2030 Agenda. It collaborates in the LAC Platform and Sustainable Campus.

Contact: Joaquín Ibáñez.

Notebooks of experiences: