Unit of Social Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Values ​​in Engineering

Unit of Social Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Values ​​in Engineering (UESEVI)

UESEVI is a cooperation group of the School of Mining and Energy Engineering, with 14 years of experience, which is dedicated both to teaching activities with an important social component and to carrying out cooperation projects of different kinds, among which are:

  • Education
  • Cooperation with groups at risk of exclusion
  • Ethics and values ​​in engineering
  • Technological and social innovation
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Mining for development
  • Sustainable hydrogeology
  • ICT for development
  • Renewable energies in development cooperation
  • Materials for sustainable construction

Francisco Javier Elorza (franciscojavier.elorza@upm.es), Israel Cañamón (israel.canamon@upm.es) y Eva Rivas (evarivaspozo@gmail.com).

Experiences notebook: