San Lorenzo Workshop School (Ecuador)
This project seeks to improve employment and income opportunities for young people in the region. It is promoted by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Vicariate of Esmeraldas, within the framework of the Northern Border Program Ecuador: Territory of Development and Peace (PFN).
During the year 2021, research is being carried out for the design of social housing with bamboo. This housing model, when replicated, will employ young people trained at the ETSL.
Contact: beatriz.gonzalez.rodrigo@upm.es , mar.barbero@upm.es , yolanda.ambrosio@upm.es
Telemedicine Project (Ecuador)
Through this project, a telemedicine platform has been implemented for training health professionals and for teleconsultations, favoring the exchange of knowledge between health personnel in Ecuador and Spain, as well as access to specialized services remotely.
Contact: susana@fi.upm.es

KUK AHPAN Research Project
It is a project for the integrated regional study of the structure and 4D evolution of the lithosphere in Central America and its implications in the calculation of seismic hazard and risk. It is part of the State Program for R+D+i oriented to the Challenges of Society (Call 2018) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of the Government of Spain.
Contact: mariabelen.benito@upm.es