The Production, Management and Development cooperation group (PGD-UPM) is made up of a team of people with extensive experience in the field of development cooperation, belonging to different areas of knowledge within the Technical University of Madrid, and also has the participation of people trained in social and biosanitary areas. This multidisciplinary facet is born from the strong certainty that complex challenges presented by development projects can only be achieved by adding diversity.
The constitution as a group in 2020 tries to unite the joint efforts already made around solid collaborations in Cauca (Colombia) and elsewhere in Latin America and Africa. These projects, mainly focused on the most vulnerable groups (women, displaced people, rural population) seek to generate local capacity development from the support of local production and through training for the empowerment and leadership of local communities
Contact: Rocío Rodríguez Rivero (rocio.rodriguez@upm.es)
Blog: https://blogs.upm.es/pgd/
Notebooks of experiences: