

In Mesoamerica, the LAC Platform participates in the Mesoamerican Network of Universities, aimed at research for sustainable development, in alliance with universities and other entities located in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic . The consolidation of the network is carried out through periodic coordination meetings and the implementation of initiatives around risk management, climate change, and the conservation of cultural and natural heritage.


University Network on
Climate Change

Risk management

Mesoamerican Research Group on Climate Change (GIMCC) made up of universities from nine countries, which work in a coordinated manner to increase capacities in risk management and contribute to reducing vulnerability in the region, based on applied research.

The Mesoamerican region is one of the areas of the planet with the highest incidence of earthquakes and hurricanes as well as droughts and floods, the latter exacerbated as a result of climate change. The projects developed are aimed at risk assessment and management from the contribution of technology and the development of capacities.

La región mesoamericana, es una de las zonas del planeta con mayor incidencia de sismos y huracanes así como sequías e inundaciones, estos últimos agudizados como consecuencia del cambio climático. Los proyectos desarrollados van dirigidos a la evaluación y gestión de riesgos desde el aporte de la tecnología y el desarrollo de capacidades.