GeoAlerta is a cooperation group that is part of the Seismic Engineering Research Group (GIIS), attached to the School of Land Surveying, Geodesy and Mapping Engineering (ETSITGC) at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
During more than 15 years of experience, the group has established itself as a benchmark in the field of seismic engineering in Latin America, particularly in matters of danger and seismic risk. Both lines of work have a marked social character, in addition to their investigative aspect. The developments and advances in the field of seismic danger are intended to characterize the movement expected by future earthquakes, for the seismic-resistant design of structures, something of vital importance in Latin American countries. For its part, the seismic risk analysis leads to estimate the expected losses due to future earthquakes, as a consequence of both the danger and the vulnerability of the exposed buildings. The results have direct application in the definition of emergency plans and mitigation measures.
The group has developed numerous research and cooperation projects on these issues in all the Central American countries, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Haiti.
Contact: Rebeca Franco (r.fblanco@alumnos.upm.es)
Webpage: https://blogs.upm.es/geoalerta/
Notebooks of experiences: