In Colombia, the LAC Platform participates as a partner in initiatives that respond to local development strategies, promoted by various institutions and private and public organizations, on topics such as resilient agriculture, soil restoration, hydrographic restoration and forest restoration, all from a perspective territorial development. The participation of various actors in these initiatives generates synergies and knowledge networks that contribute to guaranteeing their sustainability and replicability.


Moringa network

Recovery of mining soils
Organizational dynamics are promoted for the articulation of the producing communities with the scientific ones, with the aim of generating business initiatives through the transfer of technological solutions and social strategies, which allow obtaining differentiated and higher-value products, in addition to strengthening the competencies of the coffee-growing community in the agricultural production processes as a mechanism for social and family articulation.
It is an international network of universities, open to collaboration with organizations, institutions, companies, associations and cooperatives, whose purpose is the integral development of the moringa oleifera cultivation chain, with an emphasis on oil cultivation, and other alternative crops, such as of aromatic plants, to contribute to the economic and social dynamics of the areas where it operates.
The project proposes alternative solutions to contamination by mining tailings, through the implantation of vegetation adapted to the environment, together with microorganisms associated with the roots, to stabilize the metals and metalloids in the soil and prevent the contamination from spreading. It contributes to social and environmental sustainability as well as health care.