- Majano-Majanoa A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Pereira F,Xavier J, Morais J, de Moura MFSF (2023) Direct and inverse cohesive law identification of hardwood bonded joints with 1C-PUR adhesive using DCB test. Composite Structures (2023) 117013
- Lara Bocanegra, A.J. (2023) Obra nueva. Prototipo de cubierta-gridshell en PEMADE-USC. En: Guía técnica de Soluciones innovadoras en madera Estructural en la arquitectura gallega actual, Ed. Agencia Gallega de la Industria Forestal. Consellería del Medio Natural. Xunta de Galicia Pp. 36-41. Depósito legal: C-2156-2022
- Lara Bocanegra, A.J. (2023) Obra nueva. Edificio impulso verde. En: Guía técnica de Soluciones innovadoras en madera Estructural en la arquitectura gallega actual, Ed. Agencia Gallega de la Industria Forestal. Consellería del Medio Natural. Xunta de Galicia Pp. 18-23. Depósito legal: C-2156-2022
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2023) Edificio Impulso Verde: hacia un modelo urbano y constructivo. En: LIFE Lugo+Biodinámico. En la vanguardia del urbanismo sostenible, Ed. Concello de Lugo. Pp. 117-139. ISBN: 978-84-09-47501-8.
- Roig A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Majano-Majano A (2022) Design Framework for Selection of Grid Topology and Rectangular Cross-Section Size of Elastic Timber Gridshells Using Genetic Optimisation. Applied Sciences 13(1):63.
- Gómez-Royuela JL, Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, De Moura M (2022) Shear traction‐separation laws of European beech under mode II loading by 3D digital image correlation. Wood Science and Technology 56:1631-1655
- Lara-Bocanegra, A.J. (2022) Elastic timber gridshells. From material to construction (PhD Thesis).
- Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Guaita M. (2022) Splitting capacity of Eucalyptus globulus beams loaded perpendicular to the grain by connections. Materials and Structures (2022) 55:147
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Ortiz J, Guaita M. (2022) Structural Analysis and Form-Finding of Triaxial Elastic Timber Gridshells Considering Interlayer Slips: Numerical Modelling and Full-Scale Test. Applied Sciences 12, 5335
- Majano-Majanoa A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Pereira F, Morais J (2022) Direct evaluation of mode I cohesive law of eucalyptus bonded joints. Procedia Structural Integrity 37 (2022) 492–499
- Gómez-Royuela JL, Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, De Moura M (2022) Evaluation of R-curves and cohesive law in mode I of European beech. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 118:103220
- García Cerpa, P. Knarvik Church (Master’s Thesis).
- Eimil Fraga C, Feijóo Lomabo B, Fernández Lorenzo JL, Fernández Núñez E, Gontán Fraga P, Guaita Fernández M, Hinojo Sánchez B, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Méndez López L, Penedo Souto S, Rigueiro Rodríguez A, Rodríguez Soalleiro RJ y Ruíz García L. (2021) El proyecto Life Lugo + Biodinámico como experiencia de educación Ecosocial. Congreso Internacional SIPS 2021, Educación Ambiental y Cultura de la Sostenibilidad: construyendo la transición ecológica, Lugo, España.
- Yumar Gutiérrez, E. (2021). Indoor swimming pool (Master´s Thesis)
- Blanco García FL, Aira-Zunzunegui JR, Fernández-Cabo MC, Gonzalo-Calderón L (2021) Algoritmo para la evaluación de superficies desarrollables arquitectónicas. Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la Comunicación en la Profesión y en la Universidad de hoy: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia (CUICIID2021)
- Moriel Coronado, J.C. (2021). Impluvium – Community Center in Reinosa (Master’s Thesis).
- Lozano Bodeguero, L. (2021). Savill building gridshell (Master’s Thesis).
- Roig A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2021) Integrating design tools for elastic timber gridshells. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2021), Santiago, Chile.
- Gómez-Royuela JL, Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Reynolds T. (2021) Determination of the elastic constants of thermally modified beech by ultrasound and static tests coupled with 3D digital image correlation. Construction and Building Materials, 302:124270.
- Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Pereira F, Morais J. (2021) Direct evaluation of Mode I cohesive law of eucalyptus bonded joints. International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
- Aira JR, Cabo M, del Blanco F, Gonzalo-Calderón L. (2021) Puentes de madera con estructura recíproca. Análisis comparativo del puente tradicional chino y el puente de Leonardo. Informes de la Construcción.
- Martínez-Criado C, Aira JR. (2021) CLT-concrete composite slab optimization. International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICSI), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
- Crespo Outes, J. (2021). Determination of mechanical and fracture properties in Eucalyptus globulus wood for numerical simulation analysis (PhD Thesis).
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Arriaga F, Guaita M. (2020) Eucalyptus globulus finger jointed solid timber and glued laminated timber with superior mechanical properties: Characterisation and application in strained gridshells. Construction and Building Materials, 265:120355.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2020) Innovative design and construction of a permanent elastic timber gridshell. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Structures and Buildings, 173(5):352-362.
- Crespo J, Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Guaita M. (2020) Mechanical properties of small clear specimens of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Materials, 13(4):906.
- Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Morais J. (2020) Experimental Evaluation of Mode II fracture Properties of Eucalyptus globulus L. Materials, 13(3):745.
- Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra A.J, Xavier J, Morais J. (2019) Measuring the cohesive law in mode I loading of Eucalyptus globulus. Materials, 12(1):23.
- Lara-Bocanegra A, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2019) From eucalyptus to elastic gridshells. Form and Force. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Association for shell and spatial structures (IASS), Barcelona, Spain.
- Lara-Bocanegra A, Reindl J-O, Dietsch P, Majano-Majano A. Arriaga F. (2019) Buckling of actively bent barrel-vaulted timber gridshells. Form and Force. 60th Anniversary Symposium of the Association for shell and spatial structures (IASS), Barcelona, Spain.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Feijoo B, Gómez-Royuela JL, Lozano-Bodeguero L, Lorenzana JA, Roig A, Portela M, Guaita M. (2019) Acciones demostrativas con productos estructurales realizados con especies gallegas en el marco del Proyecto Life Lugo+Biodinámico. Lignomad 19, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Ramírez Bandera, J. (2019). Alfriston School Pool (Master’s Thesis).
- Reindl, J-O. (2019). Buckling Analysis of Cylindrical Elastically Bent Timber Gridshells (Master’s Thesis).
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Arriaga F, Guaita M. (2018) Long-term bending stress relaxation in timber laths for the structural design of lattice shells. Construction and Building Materials, 193:565-575.
- Crespo J, Majano-Majano A, Xavier J, Guaita M. (2018) Determination of the resistance-curve in Eucalyptus globulus through double cantilever beam tests. Materials and Structures, 51(3):77.
- Xavier J, Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Guaita M. (2018) Identification of bending stiffness parameters of Eucalyptus globulus from the virtual fields method. 11º National Congress on Experimental Mechanics (CNME) & 1º Iberian Congress on Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics and Materials (TEMM), Porto, Portugal.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2018) Innovative developments in the design and construction of a permanent elastic timber gridshell. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Ortiz J, Guaita M. (2018) Full scale laboratory prototype of a long barrel-vaulted gridshell. Construction, testing and numerical model. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Majano-Majano A, Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Xavier J, Morais J. (2018) Experimental research on hardwood connections loaded perpendicular to the grain. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Majano-Majano A, Gómez-Royuela JL, Lara-Bocanegra AJ. (2018) Elastic constants of thermally treated beech by ultrasound tests. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2018), Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Pizarro Gutiérrez, M.A. (2018). Indoor pool in Soto del Real (Master’s Thesis).
- Castrillo Pascual, A. (2018). BIP Computers (Master’s Thesis).
- Climent Carlos, E. (2018). The Core Eden (Master’s Thesis).
- Lara-Bocanegra A, Majano-Majano A, Crespo J, Guaita M. (2018) Dispositivo para ensayos de relajación de tensiones a flexión en láminas de madera curvadas con radio constante (Test device for bending stress relaxation in curved timber laths under constant radius). Patent with examination. ES 2 649 543 A1.
- Gómez Royuela, J.L. (2017). Sports Hall at Schuldorf Bergstrasse (Master’s Thesis).
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Crespo J, Guaita M. (2017) Finger-jointed Eucalyptus globulus with 1C-PUR adhesive for high performance engineered laminated products. Construction and Building Materials, 135:529-537.
- Lara-Bocanegra A.J, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2017) Stress relaxation on bending laths: review of test procedures and structural analysis approaches applied to timber gridshells. II Latin American Congress of Timber Structures + II Ibero-Latin American Congress of Timber in Construction (CLEM+CIMAD 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Ortiz J. Guaita M. (2017) Elastic gridshell prototype made of Eucalyptus globulus: construction and laboratory test. II Latin American Congress of Timber Structures + II Ibero-Latin American Congress of Timber in Construction (CLEM+CIMAD 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Crespo J, Guaita M. (2017) Desarrollo de láminas reticulares postconformadas con madera de Eucalyptus globulus. Congreso de Ingeniería Rural, Madrid, Spain.
- Xavier J, Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL. (2016) On the identifiability of stiffness components of clear wood from a 3D off-axes prismatic specimen: angle orientation and friction effects. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(3):285-290.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Majano-Majano A, Crespo J, Guaita M. (2016) Finger-joint performance in engineered laminated products made of Eucalyptus globulus. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), Vienna, Austria.
- Crespo J, Aira JR, Vázquez C, Majano-Majano A, Guaita M. (2016) Determination of the elastic constants in Eucalytpus globulus by ultrasound and mechanical tests. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), Vienna, Austria.
- Fernandez-Cabo JL, Widmann R, Arce-Blanco M, Crocetti R, Xavier J, Majano-Majano A. (2015) Assessment of wire-frame analysis models of a historical planked timber arch. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Structures and Buildings, 168(SB9):680-694.
- Majano Majano, A. (2015). Thermally treated hardwood for structural use (PhD Thesis).
- Antuña J, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Majano-Majano A, Rasines J. (2014) Visualizing for learning: the use of test and numerical models to teach structural mechanics. 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Sevilla, Spain.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Domínguez I, Perez de Lama J. (2014) Educational innovation in the architectural design of timber structures: an experience at the digital fabrication laboratory of Seville University. 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Sevilla, Spain.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Domínguez I, (2014) Innovation in Timber Architectural Structures and Digital Fabrication: A Cartography. The 10th International Fab Lab Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Roig A, Domínguez I. (2014) Estructuras de madera. Procesos de génesis. Hacia diseño computacional y la fabricación robotizada (Timber structures. Genesis processes. Towards the computational design and robotic manufacturing). In: Yes, We Are Open! Fabricación digital, tecnologías y cultura libres. ISBN: 978-84-941838-2-9. (In spanish).
- Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Hoheisel S, Klein M. (2012) A test method for characterizing clear wood using a single specimen. Experimental Mechanics, 52:1079-1096.
- Fernandez-Cabo JL, Arriaga Martitegui F, Majano-Majano A, Íñiguez G. (2012) Short-term performance of the HSB® shear plate type connector for timber-concrete composite beams. Construction and Building materials, 30:455-462.
- Majano-Majano A, Hughes M, Fernandez-Cabo JL. (2012) The fracture toughness and properties of thermally modified beech and ash at different moisture contents. Wood Science and Technology, 46:5-21.
- Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Xavier J. (2012) Characterization of clear wood by a single specimen: evaluation of first results and further improvements. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Vienna, Austria.
- Xavier J, Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL. (2012) Identifiability of stiffness components of clear wood from a single off-axes compression test. 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM15), Porto, Portugal.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Domínguez I, Solís R, Trillo A. (2012) Entramados de madera en la construcción de centros de educación infantil (Timber Platform frame for kindergarten buildings). AITIM, 275:20-26. (In Spanish).
- Fernandez-Cabo JL, Majano-Majano A, San Salvador Ageo L, Ávila Nieto M. (2011) Development of a novel façade sandwich panel with low-density wood fibres core and timber-engineering board faces. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69:459-470.
- Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Hoheisel S, Klein M. (2011) Characterization of clear wood by a single test. Madeira: Arquitetura e Engenharia, 12(28):45-57.
- Majano-Majano A, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Hoheisel S, Klein M. (2011) Characterization of clear wood by a single test. 1º Ibero-Latin American Congress of Timber in Construction (CIMAD 11), Coimbra, Portugal.
- Lara-Bocanegra AJ, Domínguez I, Solís R, Trillo A. (2011) Escuela infantil en Isla Cristina (Kindergarten in Isla Cristina). In: Catálogo de la exposición del XVIII Premio de Arquitectura del COAH (Exhibition catalog of the XVIII Architecture Awards COAH). (In spanish).
- Íñiguez G, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Fernandez-Cabo MC, Arriaga-Martitegui F, Majano-Majano A. (2010) Remarkable ancient timber bridges up to the 1850’s. Part I: general review. International Conference on Timber Bridges (ICTB-2010), Lillehammer, Norwey.
- Fernandez-Cabo MC, Fernandez-Cabo JL, Íñiguez G, Arriaga-Martitegui F, Majano-Majano A. (2010) Remarkable ancient timber bridges up to the 1850’s. Part II: case studies and breakthroughs. International Conference on Timber Bridges (ICTB-2010), Lillehammer, Norwey.
- Majano-Majano A, Hughes M, Fernandez-Cabo JL. (2010) A fracture mechanics study of thermally modified beech for structural applications. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2010), Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy.
- Fernandez-Cabo JL, Majano-Majano A, San Salvador Ageo L, Ávila Nieto M. (2010) A novel façade sandwich panel with low-density wood fibres core. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2010), Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy.