As of October 28, 2018, HTTP/3 is the official standard of the application protocol which inevitably leads to a transition towards its universal use. Although it is not yet widespread in terms of number of applications and websites, its impact is high since widely known applications that account for a significant percentage of the number […]

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In order to safeguard their users’ privacy certain Android applications include security measures to protect their communications with external servers e.g. by means of certificate pinning. In 2011, Google was the first to begin applying certificate pinning to its Android device communications. This procedure consists in pinning a list with the certificates in which an […]

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El Derecho a la Privacidad de los seres humanos a menudo se ve vulnerado en el ecosistema de internet. En 2018 se adoptó en Europa el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) (, cuyo objetivo es defender la privacidad de los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea exigiendo responsabilidades a los sistemas que acceden a […]

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In previous posts we have talked about the types of tests that can be carried out in Android apps, and where/how can they be developed. We also introduced Android Studio and its benefits thanks to other native tools integrated in the SDK (Software Development Kit). One of those native tools is Exerciser Monkey, which is […]

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In the last blog, we discussed the importance of making tests for our software’s developments. We also introduced which of them are the most common and widely used, and our first steps developing them in Android. These steps were shown on Android Studio; therefore, we can assume it is the best choice, but does it […]

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In 2018 Google introduced a new app publishing format for Android known as Android App Bundle (.aab). Basically, a developer submits to Google Play a bundle including all the app code and resources, and upon a user request Google Play generates an optimized APK fitting the device configuration. Some of the many advantages of using […]

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Hoy en día vivimos en un mundo con cada vez más dispositivos inteligentes y conectados junto a una cantidad de datos cada vez mayor. En medio de esta situación surge el reto de entrenar Inteligencia Artificial y modelos de Machine Learning (ML) manteniendo la privacidad del usuario. Estos modelos de Aprendizaje Automático que tan presentes […]

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