Circular infographics designs are out of owen!

Circular infographics designs are out of owen!

“Circular infographics design workshops” are a workshop trilogy taking part in the Circular EELISA Community’s CIRCULAR IN PLAY project, which is funded by the first EELISA Joint Community Fund for Inter-Institutional Activities. In the circular infographics design workshops, the interested participants of the three public workshops of CIRCULAR IN PLAY got together to work further on the circular economy and create public awareness about specific topics under the community’s guidance. They collaborated in international and interdisciplinary groups to define a theme, collect data-based evidence, ad produce context and messages to convey to the public in the form of an infographic about select circular economy topics.

In each workshop, multiple infographics teams worked simultaneously over the course of a week through 2-3 online meetings and some background research. The teams consisted of 2-3 undergraduate and/or graduate students, plus one professor/researcher from a Circular EELISA Community partner university. In each team, one of the participating students also acted as the graphic design facilitator to ensure production of quality graphics. Over the course of three workshops, a total of seven infographics were designed in original content under the following themes, respectively: (1) green technology, (2) reuse in domestic kitchen, (3) circular city, (4) green hydrogen, (5) fashion reuse, (6) plastic recycling, and (7) circular rural lifestyle. The designs were suited to different online mediums such as community, institution and project websites as well as social media (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn). The Circular EELISA Community proudly presents the infographics of CIRCULAR IN PLAY!

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