TejeMat has given rise to a collection of works carried out by the students and teachers who have participated in the project. All of them are part of the TejeMat Exhibition: We Weave Mathematics, where you can see the projects carried out and learn about and understand the mathematical concepts from which they have been […]

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EELISAConnnect Workshop: Interactions in nonlinear analysis: variational methods, reaction-diffusion equations, dynamical systems and applications. This workshop will bring together experts of different nonlinear analysis techniques, stimulating interdisciplinary connections and applications of these techniques to new fields or problems. Due to the versatility of the models that can be treated in this area, this workshop has […]

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This year, the 3rd edition of the citizen lab ‘ExperimentaMates+SDG‘ is an international course in the Athens network, coordinated by Prof. María Barbero Liñán and promoted by SSERIES ELLISA community. A citizenship laboratory is a meeting point to experiment and learn where people with a diverse background cooperate to develop projects to improve the life in […]

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SSERIES EELISA community has participated in the I EELISA International Conference, held in Universitatea Politehnica din București (UPB), Bucharest, 4-6 October 2023. Our contributions have been: 1) ‘Math and dance’. Project Presentation in the frame of ‘When Arts meet Science’. Mariló López & Miguel Ureña. 2) ‘Building diverse and inclusive research and innovation communities’. Presentation […]

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The EELISA activity ‘Science & Tech for Heritage’ has been recently developed in the frame of SSERIES community and the results have been presented in an International Congress about Heritage and Civil Engineering celebrated in Cuenca, Toledo and Madrid (Spain). The activity consisted of: – Bibliographic study of the historical sources on the Roman road network in the area […]

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The deadline to register for the TEJEMATH activity is now open! You can find all the information related to this project on the website that we have prepared for the occasion: https://blogs.upm.es/tejemat/en/ You can register on the link. You will not regret! Deadline: October 4, 2023.

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After a large number of entries for the award, the jury of the Prize ‘Ciencia en Acción‘ 2023 has decided to honor Mariló López González, Sagrario Lantarón Sánchez, Sandra Carnero López, Javier Rodrigo Hitos and Yolanda López Cota for the quality and originality of their work entitled “Matemáticas en Danza“. This project has used dance […]

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The round table WILDE: Working for IncLusiveness and Diversity in STEM higher Education, was held on Tuesday 25th July 2023, 9:30 -11:00, online at https://short.upm.es/31uqj. WILDE was organized by SSERIES in the frame of WOME(S)N: Workshops on Multidisciplinary Education Student Needs -inclusiveness and diversity-. This EELISA activity coordinated by UPB and supported by 2nd EELISA Joint Call and SSERIES EELISA community, focuses on the […]

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The SSERIES Summathon was held in Madrid. Hosted by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on 21st and 22nd April 2023 at Escuela de Caminos Canales y Puertos. EELISA members from BME, ENPC Paris Tech, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, UPB and UPM exchanged their ideas on an international platform,  where results of three SSERIES activities supported by First EELISA […]

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