5GActivitiesCybersecurityProjectsSmart Cities

RSTI joins the IoTMADLAB

The RSTI Research Group has recently joined the IoTMADLAB initiative (https://iotmadlab.es/). This Internet of Things laboratory is promoted by the Madrid City Council and the CeDInt (Centro de Domótica Integral – UPM, https://www.cedint.upm.es/), and funded by the Madrid Business Forum (Foro de Empresas por Madrid, https://forodeempresaspormadrid.es/). The lab aims to establish a research space for the development of intelligent urban environments based on Internet of Things and 5G technologies. These advancements will contribute to the creation of an open, interoperable, and cyber-secure city. IoTMADLAB’s primary objective is to establish a “common language” among devices deployed in Smart Cities, thereby enhancing the implementation of interconnected IoT systems.

 Within the RSTI group, our focus will be on creating IoT and 5G cybersecurity labs. We will also work on prototyping and integrating a cyber situational awareness center for Smart Cities and applying Artificial Intelligence algorithms to improve cyber situational awareness within the context of IoT and 5G.