
REDINFORCED: Advanced Equipment for the Control and Management of 5G/6G Networks through Reinforcement Learning

The purpose of this project is to acquire scientific and technical equipment in the field of advanced communication networks, network control, and Machine Learning within the “UNICO R&D 6G 2022 Program” under the framework of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda, and the 5G Technology Boost Strategy.

The requested equipment will provide the three recognized consolidated research groups by the UPM, belonging to the ETSIT Telecommunications and ETSI Computer Systems, with the necessary tools for the development of high-impact research activities in the field of advanced 5G and 6G network control without human intervention (Zero-touch network management) using deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

The RSTI research group leads this proposal, contributing its experience in the development of research leadership activities in the field of 5G and Beyond networks and testbed development.

Project financed by Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital
Project No.: TSI-064100-2022-007