Summary of research line
Projects related to this research line deal with evaluation of water and nitrogen management strategies in cropping systems. The goal is designing management strategies for productivity and ecological sustainability of these cropping systems. Projects are based on conducting field experiments in which measurements are carried out, and are the support for other research lines.
Most relevant projects
Using sensors to support the introduction of legumes for improving the sustainability of Spanish rotations by enhancing efficiency of nitrogen and water use (RESUENA)
Project financed by: CICYT ( PID2021-124041OB-C22)
Duration: September-2022 a August-2026
Research leader: M. Quemada
Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use (SolACE)
Project financed by: European Commission (Grant agreement number 727247)
Institutions involved: 24 partners coordinated by INRA (France)
Duration: May-2017 to April-2023
Research leader of the project UPM: M. Quemada
Red de Excelencia SIRENA: Spanish Initiative Research in efficiency of N in Agroecosystems.
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2015-68881-REDT)
Institutions involved: Consortium of 3 research centers, 6 Universities,
Duration: December-2015 a November-2017
Research leader of the project: M. Quemada
Improving cover crop management to enhance sustainability in irrigated cropping systems
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2014-52310-R)
Duration: Enero-2015 a Diciembre-2017
Research leader: M. Quemada
Empleo de técnicas de teledetección para el seguimiento del estado nutricional e hídrico de un cultivo.
Funded by: UPM (RP1620290017)
From: January-2016 to December-2018
Participants: UPM
Head of the project: M Quemada
Diseño, gestión y control medioambiental de regadíos modernizados por aspersión en el valle del Ebro.
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2013-48728-C2-1-R).
Institutions involved: AulaDei-CSIC, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duration: January-2014 a December-2016
Research leader: Nery Zapata
Participants of AgSystems: R. Moratiel
Funded by: Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S2013/ABI-2717). Programa Grupos de Excelencia.
Institution involved: UPM, INIA, CIEMAT e IMIDRA
From October- 2014 to September-2018
Head of the project: Antonio Vallejo
Head of the project Group AgSystems: M Quemada
Manejo de la duración y el nivel de déficit hídrico en diferentes estados fenológicos para la mejora de la funcionalidad y calidad sensorial de la fruta en olivo y pistachero
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2013-45922-C2-1-R).
Institutions involved: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duration: January-2014 a December-2016
Research leader: Alfonso Moriana Elvira, Maria José Martín-Palomo García
Participants of AgSystems: D Pérez, A. Centeno
Effects of climate change on air pollution impacts and response strategies for European ecosystems (ECLAIRE)
Project financed by: European Commission (Grant agreement number 282910)
Institutions involved: 39 partners coordinated by National Environment Research Council (UK)
Duration: October-2011 to August-2015
Research leader of the project UPM: Dr. A. Vallejo
Participant of AgSystems: M. Quemada,
Introduction of cover crops in irrigated croppping systems: N effect, water balance and soil quality
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2011-24732)
Duration: January-2012 to December-2015
Research leader: M. Quemada
Replacing bare fallow by cover crops in irrigated systems: effect on N dynamics, water availability and soil quality.y.
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2011-24732)
Duration: January-2012 to December-2014
Research leader: M. Quemada
N-TOOLBOX- Toolbox of cost-effective strategies for on farm reductions in N losses to water.
Project financed by: Comisión Europea ( FP7-KBBE-2008-2B)
Duration: 2009 to 2012
Research leader of the Spanish group: M.Quemada
Funded by: CAM (S2009/AGR-1630). Programa Grupos de Excelencia.
Institution involved: UPM, INIA y CIEMAT
From January-2010 to March-2014
Head of the project: Antonio Vallejo
Head of the project Group AgSystems: M Quemada
Índices de degradacion del suelo mediante análisis de imagen.
Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2012-21501).
Duration: January 2011 to December 2012
Research leader: A. Tarquis
Participants of Agsystems: R Moratiel
Propagación del pistacho (Pistacia vera): mejora de la técnica del injerto y micropropagación (RTA2010-00053)
Project financed by: INIA (RTA2010-00053)
Institutions involved: : SITA-JCCM, IFAPA, CSIC
Duration: January-2010 to December-2012
Research leader: Jose Francisco Couceiro López
Participants of Agsystems: D Pérez
Service to companies
Insight on the effect of the biofertilizer BlueN® on the N nutrition and yield of maize.
Funded by: Symborg S.L.U.
Duration: March-2021 to January-2022
Research leader: M. Quemada
Scientific and technical support to optimize the field and remote sensing information of an experimental network in farm fields.
Funded by: EuroChem Agro Iberia, S.L.
Duration: May-2021 to December-2021
Research leader: M. Quemada
Quantification of the biofertilizer BlueN® effect on the N nutrition, yield and yield components of maize.
Funded by: Symborg S.L.U.
Duration: March-2020 to January-2021
Research leader: M. Quemada
Residual effect of ferrtilizers with or without a nitrification inhibitor in irrigated cropping systems.
Funded by: EuroChem Agro Iberia, S.L.
Duration: March-2018 to January-2020
Research leader: M. Quemada
Estudios de control de nematodos mediante agua ozonificada.
Funded by: Cosemar Ozono
Duration: January-2016 to January-2017
Head of the project: Rubén Moratiel
Residual effect of nitrification inhibitors in different soils under irrigated conditions.
Funded by: EuroChem Agro Iberia, S.L.
Institution involved: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duración: Marzo-2016 a Enero-2018
Head of the project: M Quemada
Eficacia de la tecnología Procote para proporcionar micronutrientes a los cultivos
Funded by: Yara Iberia S.A.
Institution involved: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duración: Abril-2015 a Noviembre-2015
Head of the project: M Quemada
Do nitrification inhibitors increase the residual effect and the N-fertilizer use efficiency in a mid-term experiment under irrigated conditions?
Funded by: EuroChem Agro Iberia, S.L.
Institution involved: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duración: Marzo-2015 a Enero-2016
Head of the project: M Quemada
Efecto de los fertilizantes con inhibidor de la nitrificación en la eficiencia de uso del fertilizante y el rendimiento del maíz
Environmental risk and impact assessment of PEPSICO crop sourcing locations
Institution involved: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
From October-2013 to April-2014
Head of the project: Alberto Garrido Colmenero
Participant researchers from the Group:: CG Hernandez, JI Lizaso, M. Quemada
Recogida y procesamiento de información agronómica y zootécnica obtenida in situ y su integración satelital de precisión para la mejora del seguro para la cobertura de los daños por sequía en pastos 2012 (SEQUÍA EN PASTOS) (P12-0220C-206)
Funded by: ENESA
Institution involved: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
From April-2012 to September-2015
Head of the project: Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Diaz-Ambrona
Most relevant publications
van Grinsven H.J.M., Ebanyat, P., Glendining M., Gu B., Hijbeek R., Lam S.K., Lassaletta L., Mueller N.D., Pacheco F.S., Quemada M., ten Berge H.F.M. 2022. Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates. Nature Food, 3, 122-132.
Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F.; Villeta, M.; Quemada, M.; Tarquis, A.M. 2022. Assessment of Drought Indexes on Different Time Scales: A Case in Semiarid Mediterranean Grasslands. Remote Sensing. 14, 565.
Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., Benito, R. M., Quemada, M., Losada, J. C., & Tarquis, A. M. 2022. Recurrence plots for quantifying the vegetation indices dynamics in a semi-arid grassland. Geoderma, 406, 115488.
Raya-Sereno, M. D., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Pancorbo, J. L., Gabriel, J. L., Camino, C., Zarco-Tejada, P. J., & Quemada, M*. 2021. Residual Effect and N Fertilizer Rate Detection by High-Resolution VNIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Imagery and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Wheat. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-17.
Pancorbo J.L., Camino C., Alonso-Ayuso M., Raya-Sereno M.D., Gonzalez-Fernandez I., Gabriel J.L., Zarco-Tejada P.J. and Quemada M*. 2021. Simultaneous assessment of nitrogen and water status in winter wheat using hyperspectral and thermal sensors. European Journal of Agronomy. 127, 126287.
Lassaletta, L., Cobena, A. S., Aguilera, E., Quemada, M., Billen,… & Gimeno, B. S. 2021. Nitrogen dynamics in cropping systems under Mediterranean climate: a systemic analysis. Environmental Research Letters 16, 073002
Salazar, O., Diaz, R., Nario, A., Videla, X., Alonso-Ayuso, M., & Quemada, M. 2021. Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency Determined by the 15N Dilution Technique in Maize Followed or Not by a Cover Crop in Mediterranean Chile. Agriculture, 11(8), 721.
Raya-Sereno, M.D.; Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I.; Alonso-Ayuso, M.; Rodrigues, F.A., Jr.; Rodríguez, A.A.; González-Perez, L.; Quemada, M*. 2021. High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery for Assessing Yield, Biomass, Grain N Concentration, and N Output in Spring Wheat. Remote Sensing. 13, 1373.
Gabriel, J. L., García-González, I., Quemada, M., Martin-Lammerding, D., Alonso-Ayuso, M., & Hontoria, C. 2020. Cover crops reduce soil resistance to penetration by preserving soil surface water content. Geoderma, 386, 114911.
Pancorbo, J. L., Lamb, B. T., Quemada, M., Hively, W. D., Gonzalez-Fernandez, I., & Molina, I. 2021. Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 atmospheric correction and signal normalization based on ground-truth spectroradiometric measurements. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 173, 166-180.
Quemada M, Lassaletta L, Leip A, Jones A, Lugato E. 2020. Integrated management for sustainable cropping systems: looking beyond the greenhouse balance at the field scale. Global Change Biology, 26: 2584-2598.
Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, JL Pancorbo, Quemada M*. 2020. Interseeding cover crops into maize: characterization of species performance under Mediterranean conditions. Field Crops Research, 249: 107762.
Quemada M., Lassaletta L, Jensen L.S., Godinot O., Brentrup F., Buckley C., Foray S., Hvid S.K., Oenema J., Richards K.G., Oenema O. 2020. Exploring nitrogen indicators of farm performance among farm types across several European case studies. Agricultural Systems, 177, 102689.
Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Hontoria C, Ibáñez MA, Quemada M.* 2020. The cover crop termination choice to designing Sustainable cropping Systems. European Journal of Agronomy, 114, 126000.
Villalobos FJ, Delgado A, López-Bernal A, Quemada M. 2020. FertiliCalc: A Decision Support System for Fertilizer Management. International Journal of Plant Production, 14, 299-308.
Guardia, G., Aguilera, E., Vallejo, A., Sanz-Cobena, A., Alonso-Ayuso, M., & Quemada, M. 2019. Effective climate change mitigation through cover cropping and integrated fertilization: A global warming potential assessment from a 10-year field experiment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 118307.
Dennison, P. E., Qi, Y., Meerdink, S. K., Kokaly, R. F., Thompson, D. R., Daughtry, C. S.T., Quemada M., … & Numata, I. (2019). Comparison of Methods for Modeling Fractional Cover Using Simulated Satellite Hyperspectral Imager Spectra. Remote Sensing, 11, 2072.
Quemada M., Alonso-Ayuso M., Castellano-Hinojosa A, Bedmar E.J., Gabriel J.L., García-González I, Valentín F., Calvo M. 2019. Residual effect of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and impact on soil nitrifiers. European Journal of Agronomy, 109, 125917.
Gabriel, J. L., Quemada, M., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Lizaso, J. I., & Martín-Lammerding, D. 2019. Predicting N Status in Maize with Clip Sensors: Choosing Sensor, Leaf Sampling Point, and Timing. Sensors, 19, 3881.
Hively WD, Shermeyer J, Lamb B, Daughtry CST, Quemada M. 2019. Mapping crop residue by combining Landsat and WorldView-3 satellite imagery. Remote Sensing 11, 1857.
Gabriel J.L., Quemada M., Martín-Lammerding D., & Vanclooster, M. 2019. Assessing the cover crop effect on soil hydraulic properties by inverse modelling in a 10-year field trial. Agricultural Water Management, 222, 62-71.
Hontoria C., García-González I., Quemada M., Roldán A., & Alguacil M.M. 2019. The cover crop determines the AMF community composition in soil and in roots of maize after a ten-year continuous crop rotation. Science of The Total Environment. 660: 913-922.
Salazar O, Balboa L, Peralta K, Rossi M, Casanova M, Tapia Y, Singh R, Quemada M. 2019. Leaching of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in a maize-cover crops rotation in soils from Mediterranean central Chile. Agricultural Water Management. 212: 399-406.
Quemada M., Hively WD, Daughtry CST, Lamb B, Shermeyer J. 2018. Improved crop residue cover estimates obtained by coupling spectral indices for residue and moisture. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 206: 33-44
Hively WD, Daughtry CST, Lamb B, Shermeyer J, McCarty GW, Quemada M. 2018. Mapping Crop Residue and Tillage Intensity Using WorldView-3 Satellite Shortwave Infrared Residue Indices. Remote Sensing. 10: 1657-1679.
García-González, I., Quemada, M., Gabriel, J. L., Alonso-Ayuso, M., & Hontoria, C. 2018. Legacy of eight-year cover cropping on mycorrhizae, soil, and plants. Journal Plant Nutrition & Soil Science, 181, 818-826.
García-González I, Hontoria C, Gabriel JL, Alonso-Ayuso M, Quemada M*. 2018. Cover crops to mitigate soil degradation and enhance soil functionality in irrigated land. 2018. Geoderma. 322: 81-88.
Alonso-Ayuso M., Quemada M., Vanclooster M., Ruiz-Ramos M., Rodriguez A., Gabriel JL. 2018. Assessing cover crop management under actual and climate change conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 621:1330-1341
Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, García-González I, Del Monte JP, Quemada M. 2018. Weed density and diversity in a long-term cover crop experiment background. Crop Protection. 112: 103-111.
Ravier R, Quemada M and Jeuffroy MH. 2017. Use of a chlorophyll meter to assess nitrogen nutrition index during the growth cycle in winter wheat. Field Crop Research, 214: 73-82.
Gabriel JL, Zarco-Tejada P, López-Herrera J, Pérez-Martín E, Alonso-Ayuso M, Quemada M. 2017. Airborne and ground level sensors for monitoring N status in a maize crop. Biosystems Engineering, 160: 124-133.
Kaye J and Quemada M. 2017. Using cover crops to mitigate and adapt to climate change: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture, 37:4.
Sanz-Cobeña A, Lassaletta L, Aguilera E, del Prado A, Garnier J, Billen G, Iglesias A, Sánchez B, Guardia G, Abalos D, Plaza-Bonilla D, Puigdueta I, Moral R, Galán E, Arriaga H, Merino P, Infante-Amate J, Meijide A, Pardo G, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Gilsanz C, Báez D, Doltra J, González S, Cayuela ML, Menendez S, Diaz-Pines E, Le-Noe J, Quemada M, Estellés F, Calvet S, van Grinsven H, Yáñez D, Westhoek H, Sanz MJ, Sánchez-Jimeno B, Vallejo A, Smith P. 2017. Strategies for GHG mitigation in Mediterranean agricultural soils. A review. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 238:5-24.
Fereres, E., Villalobos, F.J., Orgaz, F., Mínguez, M.I., van Halsema, G. and Perry, C.J. 2017. Commentary: On the water footprint as an indicator of water use in food production. Editorial. Irrigation Science, February 2017.
Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Quemada M. 2016. Nitrogen use efficiency and residual effect of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors. European Journal of Agronomy, 80: 1-8.
Quemada M. and Gabriel JL. 2016. Approaches for increasing nitrogen and water use efficiency simultaneously. Global Food Security, 9:29-35
Gabriel JL, Alonso-Ayuso M., García-González I., Hontoria C., Quemada M. 2016. Nitrogen use efficiency and fertilizer fate in a long-term experiment with winter cover crops. European Journal of Agronomy, 79: 14-22.
Quemada M and Daughtry CST. 2016. Spectral Indices to Improve Crop Residue Cover Estimation under Varying Moisture Conditions. Remote Sensing 8, 660-680.
Guardia G, Abalos D, García-Marco S, Quemada M., Alonso-Ayuso M, Cárdenas LM, Dixon ER, and Vallejo A. 2016. Effect of cover crops on greenhouse gas emissions in an irrigated field under integrated soil fertility management, Biogeosciences, 13, 5245-5257.
García-González I, Quemada M, Gabriel JL, Hontoria C. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal activity responses to winter cover crops in a sunflower and maize cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology, 102: 10-18.
Noguera-Artiaga, L., Lipan, L., Vazquez-Araújo, L., Xavi, B., Pérez-López, D., Carbonell-Barrachina, A.A. 2016. Opinion of Spanish consumers on hydrosostainable pistachios. Journal of Food Science, 81: 2559-2565.
Corell, M., Pérez-López, D., Martin-Palomo, M.J., Centeno, A., Girón, I., Galindo, A., Moreno, M.M., Moreno, C., Memmi, H., Torrecillas, A., Moreno, F., Moriana, A. 2016. Comparison of the water potential baseline in different locations. Usefulness for irrigations scheduling of olive orchards. Agricultural Water Management, 177: 308-316.
Galindo Egea, A., Cruz, Z. N., Rodríguez Hernández, P., Collado González, J., Corell, M., Memmi, H., Moreno, F., Moriana, A., Torrecillas, A., Pérez-López, D. 2016. Jujube fruit water relations during fruit maturation stage under different water deficit conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 164: 110-117.
Memmi, H., Gijón-López, M.C., Couceiro, J.F., Pérez-López, D. 2016. Water stress thresholds for regulated deficit irrigation in pistachio trees. Rootstock influence and effects on yield quality. Agricultural Water Management, 164: 58-72.
Collado-González, J., Pérez-López, D., Memmi, H., Gijon, C., Medina, S., Durand, T., Guy, A., Galano, J. M., Fernández, D., Carro, F., Ferreres, F., Torrecillas, A., Gil-Izquierdo, A. 2016. Effect of the season on the free phytoprostanes content in Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil from deficit irrigated olive trees. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96: 1585-1592.
Moratiel, R. Martínez-Cob, A. Tarquis, AM. Snyder, RL. 2016 Soil water balance correction due to light rainfall, dew and fog in Ebro river basin (Spain). Agricultural Water Management 170: 61–67
Ramírez-García J, Carrillo JM, Ruiz M, Alonso-Ayuso M, Quemada M*. 2015. Multicriteria decision analysis applied to cover crop species and cultivars selection. Field Crops Research, 175: 106-115.
Ramírez-García J, Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Quemada M*. 2015. Quantitative characterization of five cover crop species. Journal of Agricultural Science. 153: 1174:1186
Ruíz M, Quemada M, García RM, Carrillo JM, Benavente R. 2015. Use of thermographic imaging to screen for drought-tolerant genotypes in Brachypodium distachyon. Crop & Pasture Science, 67:99-108.
Ramírez-García J, HJ Martens, Quemada M, K Thorup-Kristensen. 2015. Intercropping effect on root growth and nitrogen uptake at different nitrogen levels. Journal of Plant Ecology. 8(4): 380-389.
Makowski D, Asseng S, Ewert F, Bassu S, Lizaso JI, Sau F, et al. (30 coauthors). 2015. A statistical analysis of three ensembles of crop model responses to temperature and CO2 concentration. Agricultural and forest meteorology. 214:483- 493.
Collado-González J, Pérez-López D, Memmi H, Gijón MC, Medina S, Durand T, Guy A, Galano JM, Fernández DJ, Carro F, Ferreres F, Torrecillas A, Gil-Izquierdo A. 2015. Effect of the season on the free phytoprostanes content in Cornicabra extra virgin olive oil from deficit irrigated olive trees. Journal of the Science of Food And Agriculture. 96: 1585-1592.
Cruz ZN, Rodríguez-Hernández P, Galindo A, Pérez-López, D., Collado-González J, Ondoño S, Moreno F, Torrecillas A. 2015. Jujube fruit water relations during fruit maturation stage under different water deficit conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 164: 110-117.
Carbonell-barrachina AA, Memmi H,Noguera-Artiaga L, Gijon-López MC, Ciapa R, Pérez-López D. 2015. Quality attributes of pistachio nuts as affected by rootstock and deficit irrigation. Journal of the science of food and agriculture. 95: 2866-2873.
Collado-González J, Pérez-López D, Memmi H, Gijón MC, Medina S, Durand T, Guy A, Galano JM, Fernández DJ, Carro F, Ferreres F, Torrecillas A, Gil-Izquierdo A. 2015. Water deficit during pit hardening enhances phytoprostanes content, a plant biomarker of oxidative stress, in extra virgin olive oil. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 63: 3784-3792.
Memmi H., Gijón MC, Couceiro JF and Pérez-López D. 2016. Water stress thresholds for regulated deficit irrigation in pistachio trees: Rootstock influence and effects on yield quality. Agricultural Water Management, 164: 58-72.
Perea, R., Perea-García-Calvo, R., Díaz-Ambrona, C.G., San Miguel, A. 2015. The reintroduction of a flagship ungulate Capra pyrenaica: Assessing sustainability by surveying woody vegetation. Biological Conservation181: 9–17.
Linquist, B. Snyder, R. Anderson, F. Espino, L. Inglese, G. Marras, S. Moratiel, R. Mutters, R. Nicolosi, P. Rejmanek, H. Russo, A. Shapland, T. Song, Z. Swelam, A. Tindula, G. Hill, J. 2015. Irrigation Science 33 : 375–385.
Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Quemada M. 2014. The kill date as a management tool for cover cropping success. PLOS ONE. Vol. 9, Issue 1: e109587.
Quemada M., Gabriel J.L. Zarco-Tejada P. 2014. Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Ground-Level Optical Sensors As Assessment Tools for Maize Nitrogen Fertilization. Remote Sensing 6: 2940-2962.
Soldevilla-Martinez M., Quemada M., López-Urrea R., Muñoz-Carpena R., Lizaso J.I. 2014. Soil water balance: Comparing two simulation models of different levels of complexity with lysimeter observations. Agricultural Water Management 139: 53–63.
Sanz-Cobena A., García-Marco S., Quemada M., Gabriel J.L., Almendros P., Vallejo A. 2014. Do cover crops enhance N2O, CO2 or CH4 emissions from soil in Mediterranean arable systems? Science of the Total Environment
466–467: 164–174.
Gabriel JL, Vanclooster M, Quemada M. 2014.Integrating water, nitrogen, and salinity in sustainable irrigated systems: Cover Crops versus Fallow. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE. Vol. 140. Issue 9. UNSP A4014002
Munz, S., Graeff-Honninger, S., Lizaso, J.I., Chen, Q., Claupein, W. 2014. Modeling light availability for a subordinate crop within a strip–intercropping system. Field Crops Research 155:77-89.
Carbonell-Borrachina, A.A., Memmi, H., Noguera-Artiaga, L.,Gijón-López, M.C., Ciapa, R., Pérez-López, D. 2014. Quality attributes of pistachio nuts as affected by rootstock and deficit irrigation. Journal of the Science Food and Agriculture.
Gomez-del-Campo, M, Perez-Exposito, MA, Hammami, SBM, Centeno, A, Rapoport, HF. 2014. Effect of varied summer deficit irrigation on components of olive fruit growth and development. Agricultural Water Management 137: 84-91
Castañeda-Vera, A., Barrios, L., Garrido, A., Mínguez, M.I. 2014. Assessment of insurance coverage and claims in rainfall related risks in processing tomato in W Spain. European Journal of Agronomy, 59: 39–48.
Gabriel JL, Garrido A, Quemada M. 2013. Cover crops effect on farm benefits and nitrate leaching: linking economic and environmental analysis. Agricultural Systems, 121: 23-32.
M. Quemada, M. Baranski, M.N.J. de Lange, A. Vallejo, J.M. Cooper. 2013. Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 174:1-10.
Rapoport, H.F., Pérez-López, D., Hammami, S.B.M., Agüera, J., Moriana, A. 2013. Fruit pit hardening: physical measurement during olive fruit growth. Annals of Applied Biology 163:200-208
Perez-Lopez, D., Pérez-Rodriguez, J.M., Moreno, M.M., Prieto, M.H., Ramirez-Santa-Pau, M., Gijón, M.C., Guerrero, J., Moriana, A. 2013. Influence of different cultivars-locations on maximum daily shrinkage indicators: limits to the reference baseline approach. Agricultural Water Management, 127: 31-39
Perez-Lopez, D. 2013. Fruit pit hardening: physical measurement during olive fruit growth. Annals Applied Biol., 163: 200-208.
Marin-Gonzalez, O., Kuang, BY, Quraishi, MZ, Munoz-Garcia, MA, Mouazen, AM. 2013. On-line measurement of soil properties without direct spectral response in near infrared spectral range. Soil and Tillage Research, 133: 21-29.
Munoz-Garcia, MA, Moreda, GP, Raga-Arroyo, MP, Marin-Gonzalez, O. 2013. Water harvesting for young trees using Peltier modules powered by photovoltaic solar energy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 93: 60-67.
Moratiel, R. Martínez-Cob. 2013. Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under sprinkler irrigation in a semiarid climate determined by the surface renewal method. Irrigation Science 31:411-422.
Moratiel, R. Spano, D, Nicolisi, P, Snyder, R.L. 2013. Correcting Soil Water Balance Calculations for Dew, Fog, and Light Rainfall. Irrigation Science 31: 423-429
Moratiel, R, Martínez-Cob, A, Latorre, B. 2013. Variation in the estimations of ETo and crop water use due to the sensor accuracy of the meteorological variables.. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 13, 1401–1410
Gabriel JL, Almendros, Hontoria C., Quemada M. 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: soil salinity and salt leaching. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 158: 200-207.
Gabriel JL, Muñoz-Carpena R, Quemada M. 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 155:50-61.
Ramírez-Garcia J, Almendros P, Quemada M. 2012. Ground cover and leaf area index relationship in a grass, legume and crucifer crop. Plant Soil and Environment, 58:384-389.
Perez-Lopez, D. 2012. Midday stem water potential as a useful tool for estimating irrigation requirements in olive trees. Agricultural Water Management 112: 43-54
Moratiel, R. Martínez-Cob. 2012. Evapotranspiration of grapevine trained to a gable trellis system under netting and black plastic mulching. Irrigation Science 30: 167-178
Rey D., Garrido A., Mínguez M.I. and Ruiz-Ramos M. 2011. Impact of climate change on maize’s water needs, yields and profitability under various water prices in Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9: 1047-1058.