UPM Summer School 2019 ~ 马德里理工2019年夏季学校
First training day of the UPM-BSU Football Training Master ~ 北京体育大学的足球硕士们在INEF的第一天训练
UPM-BIT-Tongji activity in China
Working together to promote the Spanish design and architecture in international markets
One day agenda example:
Researchers’ Night Shanghai 5.0
EURAXESS China, ThinkIN China and ESSCA are delighted to invite you to the 5th edition of the Researchers’ Night in Shanghai. Reach out to new contacts in Shanghai’s international research
Smart cities: challenges and opportunities
The SINO-Spanish Campus at the Tongji University, a collaboration among the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid(UPM), and the mentioned Tongji University (TONGJI), is pleased to
Tongji City Sciences Summer School 2016
Santiago de Chile, 17-18 June 2016 International Conference on City Sciences – ICCS 2016: “Looking for sustainable, infrastructure-based and participative innovations”
Urban agglomerations make sense from an economic perspective saving resources and allowing for economies of scale. They also make sense from a social perspective facilitating the sharing of these same