Xavier Larriva, as speaker in the Virtual International Conference INICTEL-UNI Digital 2022: “Applications in the New Post-Covid Life – 19”
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones INICTEL-UNI (Lima – Perú), in its 49 years of institutional life, presented the Virtual International Conference INICTEL-UNI Digital 2022: “Applications in the New Post-Covid Life – 19” where the following topics were addressed: Blockchain, Optical Communications and Cybersecurity
The objective of the event was to make known, both to authorities, the academic community and the general public, the correct use of these three types of technology that will become more relevant after the coronavirus pandemic.
In this conference our research member Ph. D. Xavier Larriva was as speaker presenting “Desafíos de la Ciberseguridad frente a Amenazas Persistentes” in the topic related to cybersecurity.