
RSTI and the Francisco Ros 5G Program – Qualcomm

The Francisco Ros 5G Program has awarded six scholarships to ETSIT UPM students to carry out their BSc. and MSc. Thesis. Among those selected, three students are under the tutelage of our colleague from RSTI group Jose Ignacio Moreno Novella , who will guide them during the process providing them with his knowledge in 5G.

Specifically, it is a training program that contributes to the teaching, research, development and innovation of 5G mobile technologies. It welcomes students from ETSIT UPM to provide solutions to real problems from 2020 to 2024.

The selected students are:

– Sergio Claderón Cámara, to carry out his BSc. Thesis on the Evaluation of Core 5G platforms.

Laura Serrano Vázquez, to carry out her BSc. Thesis on the Evaluation of programmable data planes in 5G environments.

Alejandro Muniz Da Costa, to carry out his MSc. Thesis on Malicious Traffic Detection Mechanisms in 5G networks.

Both the Program and RSTI group are committed to the talent of all those students and we have no doubt that their developments will represent a breakthrough in the 5G industry. 

Congratulations to those selected students!