Position for a tenure track researcher position at our group CEHINAV.
Applicants should apply to Ramón y Cajal programme. This is an initiative to stabilize researchers similat to a tenure track system. After five years, the researcher may apply for a permanent position.
Please contact
daniel [dot] duque [at] upm [dot] es
Candidate requirements:
- Experiencie with the CFD open source software OpenFOAM
- HPC applications in Mechanics, CFD, biomechanics, structures …
- Development of meshless CFD methods
- Numerical methods analysis
- Application of CFD to ship hydrodynamics
- Analysis and optimization of ship hulls by numerical or experimental techniques
- Numerical or experimental study of hydrodynamics in marine artifacts and platforms
- Computational or experimental research of confined liquid sloshing
More information on the programme at dedicated UPM web page.
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