
Hi everyone ! ,

This is my Personal Learning Environment. The first is my current one with all the tools, applications and websites that I use almost every day. It is divided into several categories: News, Search, Organize, Education, Communication and Creativity. The tools I use most regularly are Google, WhatsApp, Linkedin and Youtube.


Pierre Supplisson’s Final Presentation

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Hello everyone, below you will find the video of the presentation of my course work:

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I would like to thanks : Prof. Garcia Navarro, Prof. Ramirez Masferrer, Prof. Sanz Arauz, Dr Yang and all my colleagues of the master.


Pierre’s MOOCs

Course 1: MOOC – 1 – Introduction to Personal Branding

University of Virginia on the Coursera platform

It was my first experience with personal branding.

What I retained and learned during this MOOC:

  1. I need to keep my message and content consistent to one niche topic to become memorable within a targeted community.
  2. Always keep in my mind the impact I leave on others and remember all we have is our own reputation and that’s our brand
  3. I need to be clear on who I am and what value you bring to a company, project, …
  4. 80% of what I put out on social media should be content that is of interest to my followers. 20% should be self-promotion.

My mission statement is what drives me, what do I want to do with my life.

« I want to become the leader and the trigger of the innovative, economy and industrial revolution on the circular economy model. In order to face the environmental crisis. »

I asked the people around me what they would say about me when I am not in the room, what words characterize me. It came out:

  • Creative
  • Determined & Ambitious
  • Curious

When I choose my board of directors, I will surround myself with people who :

  • Admiration & mutual respect
  • People caring and investing in me
  • Hontest with me

This MOOC inspire me to : 

  • Investigate & select content, follow the news and conferences 
  • Optimize my profiles on social media
  • Post good content regularly
  • Intervene on current issues
  • To popularize information and create a strong community
  • Highlight my skills and values and my entourage

This MOOC is very complete, and I have enjoyed it a lot since it reviews all the general ideas that we have been studying in the Master.

Course : MOOC 2 – Circular Economy: An Introduction

Delft University of Technology on the edx platform.

Before this course, as this topic interst me a lot, I had already learned a lot about the circular economy (books, podcast, social media, report)

What I learned and retained and learned during this MOOC:

The basic principles that drive these natural systems and serve as the foundation for the circular economy are:

  • Waste can be considered as Food
  • Build resilience through diversity
  • Use energy from renewable sources
  • Think as a system

For businesses in order to close the loops, these business processes are useful: acquisition, reprocessing and remarketing. 

In the circular economy businesses we classify three different categories of product-service business models : Product-oriented, Use-oriented and Result-oriented.

It is also important to define the “Business Values” that we get from the circular economy, such as :

  • Sourcing value
  • Environmental value
  • Customer value
  • Information value

-Although I know the basics of the circular economy relatively well, I really enjoyed learning about how circular economy deal with business.

This MOOC inspire me and reinforced my belief that I want to be recognized as an expert in the circular economy, and in the innovation of the ecological transition. And promote circular economy projects and innovative start-ups.

My final PLE is demonstrated below.

Pierre’s Digital Identity Plan

My digital identity plan,


The aim of this work is to:

-Control on how we are seen

-Increase your network

-Promote yourself/brand

-Find an audience

-Planned an organize our vision

In my PLE you will find informations about my collaborators, the channels of sharing and communication, my value proposition, the content I want to share, my target audience, key ressources and activities, my objectives in short and long term and the cost it will generate.


PLE by Pierre Supplisson

Hi everyone ! ,

This is my Personal Learning Environment. The first is my current one with all the tools, applications and websites that I use almost every day. It is divided into several categories: News, Search, Organize, Education, Communication and Creativity. The tools I use most regularly are Google, WhatsApp, Linkedin and Youtube.


In my improved PLE, you can find some new tools :

-Education: Use of Coursera, edX, Podia

-Communication: Use of Twitter, Telegram and Google meet

Creativity: Use of Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and WordPress

-Organizing: Clockify and Freedom

So with these new tools I will develop my skills and competences in order to improve my digital identity and my personal branding.


Have you ever had the feeling of not being free of your destiny ?

In France (where I come from) and in many other countries, I have the feeling that our future is dictated to us. According to our results in high school we are stuck in a box. If that box doesn’t fit, we can end up working all our lives in a field that doesn’t interest us at all. Yet it is by doing what you love that you are the best.
In our system, the high school years are the most decisive years of your life. Because they will determine your future. That’s a lot of pressure for someone who had no idea what they wanted to do.
After the baccalaureate, I was only accepted in a Bachelor’s degree on the subject of material science. I don’t hide the fact that I was surprised to find myself in such a specialized field. My mission at that time was to prove to the big schools that they should have given me a chance. So, I made my way to the AMIR Master. This master’s program covers topics such as chemistry, materials and the environment. It gave me access to technical and more global skills.
My short-term objectives are to graduate from my Master 2 at UPM and to integrate within an internship a dynamic and ecologically committed company as well as to develop my network.
Eager to make things happen, I would like in the near future to undertake innovative projects associated with the environment and/or the circular economy.

Pierre Supplisson

Anthony Bourbon said,

“Resilience, hard work and passion and everything becomes possible”

Pierre Supplisson

When I heard about circular economy I thought it was a completely utopian concept…❌

I heard this term for the first time in 2020.🕰️

At that time I was 19 years old and studying in Physics and Chemistry of Materials Bachelor at the University of Bordeaux. One day one of my professors pronounced the term “circular economy”, he explained us simply that it was the intelligent use of natural resources in order to live in a world without waste.♻️

At that moment I started to get interested in the circular economy. And it was a revelation. As soon as I graduated, I enrolled in a program: Advanced Material Science and innovative Recycling (AMIR) master’s program.

I had the opportunity to learn and interact with top brains from different educational and economic background. I studied at NOVA Lisboa University and this year I’m studying Circular Economy at the Universidad Polytecnica of Madrid. 📚

Now, I’m 22 years old and I am looking for a challenging and dynamic internship where I can apply my skills & knowledge, my mission is to make things happen and accompany companies/start-ups/sectors towards an innovative environmental transition.🚀

If you want to discuss about it, don’t hesitate to contact me by mail : 📩

let’s stay connected on LinkedIn: