The MOOC about personal branding was very enriching and enlighting. It gave me some new insight into the way of self-promotion for example. About the different channels that could be used but also that you should not use more than 2-3 platforms at the same time. Trying to update your profile or share information with your followers every week could make you stand out so much more. Especially the 80/20 rule is something I will try to remember and apply to my own personal branding. We should not be ashamed or think we have too much self-confidence when you post your accomplishments on social media. It is something you achieved and you should be proud of. I will try to use LinkedIn much more to share my personal achievements and academic developments.
In regards to the PLE, I did not get to know that many new platforms to use. I am pretty happy with my current PLE and added a few interesting new platforms to my objective PLE, but there are no major changes. Just the way how I will use these PLE platforms has changed a little bit after this MOOC course.
My name is Thomas Opsomer, I am 24 years old and I come from Belgium. My background is in Bioscience Engineering and I already hold a masters degree in Bioscience Engineering: Environmental Technology at KU Leuven. I decided to pursue a second master AMIR to deepen my understanding and knowledge in the field of material science and battery recycling.