Personal Branding MOOC

Absolutely! This course on personal branding seamlessly integrated into my personal learning environment. It became a pivotal component within my self-directed education journey.

Within my learning environment, I strive for diversity and depth. This course complemented my existing knowledge landscape by adding a new layer of expertise. It wasn’t just about acquiring information; it was about assimilating practical skills that I could immediately apply.

My learning environment thrives on interaction and collaboration. This course fostered a community of like-minded individuals, enriching discussions and exchanging insights that expanded my perspective. It aligned perfectly with my belief that learning is enhanced through shared experiences and diverse viewpoints.

Moreover, in my learning space, I prioritize actionable knowledge. This course didn’t just inundate me with theoretical concepts; it provided tangible strategies and exercises that I could implement in real-time, fostering a continuous cycle of learning and application.

Lastly, my learning environment is dynamic and adaptive. The lessons from this course seamlessly integrated into my routines, both personal and professional. They became an integral part of my growth trajectory, aligning with my overarching goals and aspirations.

In essence, this course on personal branding wasn’t an isolated event; it seamlessly integrated into my multifaceted learning environment, enriching it with practical insights and fostering a collaborative community conducive to ongoing growth and development.

Digital Identity By Juan Ramirez


My digital identity is quite a complex concept to express. Still, for me, it is crystal clear that everything to be done is linked with my personal brand now, and with the company I have started, is my plan to be a top influencer In metal recycling, eco-design, biomimicry, and energy efficiency. this journey has led me many learnings and important insights

A personal Reflection on professional future By Juan Ramirez

I have built a successful career up to this point, and my professional journey has brought me to where I want to be. Moving forward, I aim to leverage my network to enhance my knowledge and contribute to humanity through engineering, innovation, and circular economy practices.

While I currently consider myself successful, I harbor even more ambitious goals. I aspire to convey messages about making money and conducting business with a heightened sense of consciousness. I envision expanding my influence to the younger generation, sharing everything I have learned thus far.

Moreover, I recognize a substantial space for growth in my learning process. It is time for me to acquire new skills, foster a deeper connection with my artistic side, and allow my passions to play a more significant role in my daily life and work. I have witnessed the benefits of finding one’s “Ikigai,” where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect. This convergence lies in the innovation of products, processes, or businesses related to the circular economy.

After several years, I finally feel that I am engaged in something that fulfills my life. I have learned that continuous learning is indispensable for my development and that the only way to achieve goals is through dedicated effort. These five pieces of advice have guided me on my journey to becoming an entrepreneur:

  1. Take risks. Life is too short to spend time avoiding failure.
  2. Make your own luck. Luck plays a part in success, but the harder you work, the luckier you get.
  3. Be persistent. Persistence truly pays off.
  4. Never stop learning.
  5. Give back.

I envision my future as a constant progression, improving my leadership skills, influencing younger generations, and collaborating with others to shape a better future. My wish is for everyone to discover their “Ikigai.”




Hello, I’m Juan Ramirez Cuellar, a simple guy with ambitious dreams. I want you to understand a bit about me—I am propelled by my family, particularly my mother and sister, who are the driving force behind everything I do. I’ve imbibed from my mother the value of helping others. Although it might take more time, I always strive to assist.

I’ve realized that my pathway to making a difference is through entrepreneurship. I aim to establish a business in the circular economy sector because I genuinely believe it’s the way humanity should coexist with other beings on this planet. Through this venture, I hope to support the people who join me. I’m genuinely passionate about building a company and have been actively involved in various incubators and programs to turn this dream into reality.

To provide context, I’m a Chemical Engineer with ten years of experience across different industries—chemicals, food, consumer goods, and cleaning products. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed how waste poses a significant problem for these companies. I’ve always believed that waste holds potential beyond mere disposal. In Colombia, we have a saying, “The trash of someone is the treasure of others.” Consequently, I pursued a master’s in innovation to refine my soft skills and understand the business landscape better. This journey started in 2017, and in my pursuit, I’ve faced both failures and successes. This journey led me to Europe, where I’m currently in the second year of the AMIR master’s program—a perfect fit for my aspirations in the circular economy. For me, there’s no turning back—I’ll persist in pursuing my goal until I achieve it.

Some people say that to succeed, one must be obsessed with their passion. Currently, my passion lies in this endeavor.

Beyond my professional interests, I find solace in hobbies like mountain biking. I enjoy biking 120 kilometers in the mountains, finding it a sport that keeps me focused and healthy. I’m also learning to play the drums. Although I’m a beginner, I’m committed to improving. I share a common love for traveling, having visited 20 countries so far and aiming to increase this count.

I’m an avid reader, especially drawn to history and novels set between the World Wars. My favorite book is “City of Thieves” by David Benioff, a novel that interweaves history, love, drama, and hope. Another book that has significantly influenced me is “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking. I’ve read extensively about various subjects, a topic we can explore in another conversation.

In conclusion, I am highly adaptable to change. I’ve lived in seven different cities, two of which were in European countries. Next month, I’ll be moving to the beautiful city of Valencia in Spain to commence my Ph.D. Let’s see what exciting opportunities life has in store for me.

Allow me to conclude with my favorite quotation: “There is a driving force stronger than steam, electricity, and atomic energy: willpower.”