Going through “The Week” was an eye-opening journey that took me through a mix of intense emotions. That first video hit hard—I felt a deep sense of agony and disgust realizing how severe the climate crisis is. The problem seemed so overwhelming that hopelessness set in, making me wonder if anything we do can really make a difference.

But as the week progressed, things changed. The discussions with Naufal, Jerome, and Laki were especially valuable. Talking with them helped me process these heavy emotions and learn to express them openly. Those conversations turned the experience from being just informative to being deeply personal and reflective, helping me move from despair to a place of hope. The sessions showed that there are real, tangible ways to tackle the crisis, and that we aren’t powerless. By the end of the week, I felt motivated and more responsible—not just as an individual but as an upcoming engineer who will have a role in shaping a sustainable future.

Learning about climate change isn’t just about facts; it’s about facing the emotional impact head-on. It starts with shock and sadness, then anger at the failures that led us here, and finally, hope—sparked by seeing that solutions exist and that collective action can bring change.

Being a parent to my 8-month-old daughter makes all of this hit even closer to home. Her future weighs heavily on my mind, and that worry pushes me to act. As an engineer in training, I know that my choices and actions contribute to the kind of world she will grow up in. “The Week” reinforced that while fear can be overwhelming, it can also fuel action. Thanks to those meaningful discussions with my peers, I’m more committed than ever to playing my part for her future—and for all of ours.

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Innovative Sustainability Expert | MSc Candidate in Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling Erasmus Mundus Program | Experienced Analyst in Renewable Energy & Environmental Sustainability Solutions

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