

Information warfare can be defined as the deliberate use of information to achieve specific objectives over adversaries. Although this concept was already described in the 5th century BC by the Chinese military strategist Sun-Tzu in “The Art of War”, the increasingly widespread use of internet and social media has emphasised its importance in recent years’ conflicts.

EUCINF will study, design, prototype, test and demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in the domain of Cyber and Information Warfare (CIW) through a toolbox. i.e. a holistic system which embeds:

  1. a coherent set of components that covers the full data lifecycle from data management (collection, processing, storage and indexing) to CIW-intelligence (situation awareness, capitalisation of threats and known actors, mission management and countermeasures)
  2. an Interoperability Framework and its associated TestBed which define and validate data exchanges and interfaces between components to ensure the constitution of operational toolchains
  3. a Store able to host components and their associated metadata allowing capitalisation within EU stakeholders while avoiding unnecessary duplication of work

Emerging technologies, notably based on AI, will be explored with respect to current standards and regulations, social and cultural impacts; and ethics considerations. Three scenarios and use cases will support the design of the proposed EUCINF toolbox, including tools, methods, data, and common functions for integration in defence systems such as i.a. standards, interoperability, trustworthiness, and ethics as addressed in dedicated WPs. It will be based on EU-owned solutions/technologies. An End User Group will be set and integrated in an Agile Approach.

EUCINF benefits from a well-balanced consortium with key European capabilities and skills: European champions in AI, platform manufacturers, effectors, systems developers covering the whole spectrum of CIW related applications.

The RSTI research group will contribute to the design of one of the scenarios and the architecture, as well as the design of different toolbox components in the areas of Capitalization, Data Exploitation and Situational Awareness, Counter Measures and Mission Management.