
Students (BSc. & MSc.)

Mateo Agustoni

BSc. Electronics and Automatics
Engineering student at UPM-ETSIDI

Jan 2022-May 2022

Laboratory technician, robot maintainer and electronic developer and manufacturer.


Mercedes Alonso
Mercedes Alonso

MSc. Automatics and Robotics Student at UPM-ETSII

 -Feb 2020.

Organic control system for the ROMERIN climbing robot.

Rocío Blanco
Rocío Blanco

MSc. Automatics and Robotics Student at UPM-ETSII

 -June 2020.

Advanced android interface for the control of the ROMERIN climbing robot on ROS.

Daniel Brito

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI​

Oct 2018- Feb 2020

Mechatronic designer. Responsible of the electrical and mechanical design of the Modular prototype. Test bench platform designer.

Marcos Campos
Marcos Campos

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI​

Oct 2020-Jan 2021

Electromechanical design of a low cost torque-force sensor for the legs of the modular robot.

Jorge Contreras
Jorge Contreras

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI​


Researchs of engines and turbines for the small hexapodal robot.

Fernando De las Heras Crespo

BSc. Electrics Engineering and Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDII

Oct. 2021 – Jun. 2022

3D environments design for ROMERIN movement simulations and simulation data analysis.

Alejandro Figueroa
Alejandro Figueroa

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI

Oct 2020 – Feb 2021

Electronic redesign of ROMERIN++: updating of the control board.

Designer of the website of ROMERIN.

Virgilio Gómez
Virgilio Gómez

MSc. Mechatronic Engineering at UNIMET and UPM

 – Feb 2020 

Adhesion systems for climbing robots using methods based on vacuum technology using ANSYS.

He has recently been admitted to the UPM’s Ph.D. program in Robotics and Automation.

Philippe Lambrechts
Philippe Lambrechts

MSc. Electromechanical Engineering at KU Leuven


Researchs and analysis to optimize the turbines of ROMERIN through ANSYS.

José Llavona Alonso

BSc. Electrical Engineering and Electronic and Automation Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI

Oct. 2021 – Jun. 2022


Software and hardware updates on the hexapod climbing robot ROMHEX. Control of the robot from external devices.

Elia López
Elia López

MSc. Automatics and Robotics Student at UPM-ETSII

-July 2019

Virtualization of the ROMERIN modular robot in V-REP and ROS.

Juan Marino
Juan Marino

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI and MSc. Automatics and Robotics Student at UPM-ETSII


Initial firmware of the hexapodal robot.

Pablo Martínez

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering

Oct 2017-Jan 2019

VREP Hexapodal robot model. Python API. Lua.

Irene Mengual

Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI

Mar 2021-Sep 2021

Remote control of the hexapod climber robot ROMHEX

Daniel Olayo

Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI

Oct 2018 – June 2019

Firmware of the hexapodal robot in C/C++.

Ismael Palma
Ismael Palma

Mexican grant of Excellence

-Feb 2017

Preliminary study of the possibility of using turbines for the adhesion to walls in the robot.

Juan Luis Polo

BSc. Industrial Engineering at UPM-ETSII

Oct 2017-Jan 2019

VREP Modular robot model. Python API. Lua.

Jorge Scharfhausen
Jorge Scharfhausen

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI and MSc. Automatics and Robotics Student at UPM-ETSII


Point cloud based perception system.

Samya Serroukh 2
Samya Serroukh

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering at UPM-ETSIDI

Oct 2020-June 2021

Design of the ROMERIN  interface on ANDROID, ROS with a GamePad control.

Nicoleta Tirsina

BSc. Aerospace Engineering at UPB

Nov 2020 – Feb 2021

Design and mechanical study of the leg orientation system of a climbing hexapod .

Javier Valero

BSc. Electronics and Automatics Engineering Student at UPM-ETSIDI

 Feb 2021 – July 2021.

Electromechanical redesign of the new suction cup iteration for the ROMERIN–. Electronic sensors in crown form PCB and flexible sucker.