Computational Intelligence and The Internet of Things: Towards Real World Solutions for Smart Connected Societies
(Thursday, July 23th, 12:00)
Speakers: Faiyaz Doctor (Ph.D.) and Victor Callaghan (Prof.) (Speakers bios can be found here)
Abstract: Wireless sensing and distributed embedded computation is fuelling a growth in connected computing artefacts enabling accessibility to new and diverse, multi-modal sources of quantitative, qualitative, environmental and user cantered data. Examples of these data sources include geolocation, social media, online/virtual interaction from personalises devices, human affect and sociometric data. These heterogeneous data sources can be used to contextualise, track and model user preferences, societal phenomena, systems and process. An important challenge is to harmonize and extract meaningful features and associations from these complex data streams for modelling and predicting events, behaviours and conditions. To address this challenge there is a need to develop novel methodologies for pervasive connected sensing, Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based data modelling and learning capabilities. The confluence of AI and IoT are explored in this talk through a review of research projects being undertaken and proposed at the Intelligent Connected Societies Group.
Tutorial #1: Monday July 20th, 2020, 12:00-13:00
- “Learning analytics – Using visual analytics with data from smart” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgios Dafoulas and Assoc. Lecturer. Ariadni Tsiakara (Middlesex University London, UK)
Tutorial #2: Tuesday July 21st, 2020, 11:00-12:00
- “Towards Value co-Creation in Intelligent Environments” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sofia Ouhbi (United Arab Emirates University, UAE)
Tutorial #3: Tuesday July 21st, 2020, 12:00-13:00
- “ADAPTing context-aware solutions for personalised asthma management” by Dr. Mario Quinde (Universidad de Piura, Peru)
Session#1: IoT, Privacy and Security in Smart Environments
Chair: Oscar Araque (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Privacy-preserving People Detection Enabled by Solid State LiDAR. Andrei Günter, Stephan Böker, Matthias König and Martin Hoffmann.
- Methodology for massive configuration of OAuth 2.0 tokens in large IoT scenarios. Luis Cruz-Piris, Diego Rivera and Mario Vega-Barbas.
- Achieving Multi-User Capabilities through an Indoor Positioning System based on BLE Beacons. Mario Quinde, José Giménez-Manuel, Chimezie Leonard Oguego and Juan Carlos Augusto.
- AmIoT: A Microservices-based IoT Platform to Orchestrate AmI Environments. Savvas Pitatzis, Nicolas Drosos, Christos Goumopoulos and Achilles Kameas.
- An ontology-based framework for a Less Invasive Domestic Management System (LIDoMS). Daniele Spoladore, Marta Mondellini, Alberto Trombetta and Marco Sacco.
Session#2: Context Awareness
Chair: Mario Vega-Barbas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Design and Implementation of a Embedded Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Decision Making System for Wellbeing, Health and Security. María De Los Ángeles Arellano Vera, Víctor Manuel Zamudio Rodríguez, Faiyaz Doctor, Carlos Leyson Lelevier, David Asael Gutiérrez Hernández and Carlos Lino Ramírez.
- A Clean Air Journey Planner for pedestrians using high resolution near real time air quality data. Antti Nurminen, Avleen Malhi, Kary Främling and Lasse Johansson.
- Consistency Verification of a Rule-Based Smart Home Reasoning System with Satisfiability Modulo Theories. Dagmawi Neway Mekuria, Paolo Sernani, Nicola Falcionelli and Aldo Franco Dragoni.
- Does Keystroke Dynamics tell us about Emotions? A Systematic Literature Review and Dataset Construction. Aicha Maalej and Ilhem Kallel.
- ACO-based Approach on Dynamic MSMD Routing in IoV Environment. Tri-Hai Nguyen, Jason Jung.
Session#3 Smart scenarios
Chair: Álvaro Carrera (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- A DIY sensor kit, Gaussian Processes and a multi-agent system fused into a smart beekeeping assistant. Carolin Johannsen, Diren Senger and Thorsten Kluss.
- How can smart home help new elders aging in place and building connectivity. Yuqi Liu and Ryoichi Tamura.
- Bio-Clock-Aware Office Lighting Control. Charikleia Papatsimpa, Jochem H. Bonarius and Jean-Paul Linnartz.
- A Novel, Self-Powered, Non-Intrusive, Sigfox-Enabled Smart Meter for Challenging Scenarios. Edgar Saavedra, Guillermo del Campo and Asuncion Santamaria.
- Ediphy: A modular and extensible open-source web authoring tool for the creation of interactive learning resources. Sonsoles López-Pernas, Alfonso Jiménez, Aldo Gordillo, Enrique Barra, Lourdes Marco and Juan Quemada.
Session#4 Wearables for Smart Environments
Chair: Diego Rivera (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Mind Drone Chasing Using EEG-based Brain Computer Interface. Fatima Ali Al-Nuaimi, Rauda Jasem Al-Nuaimi, Sara Saaed Al-Dhaheri, Sofia Ouhbi and Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem.
- Estimation of User’s Orientation via Wearable UWB. Chiara Bonsignori, Fabio Condomitti, Marco Del Gamba, Federico Garzelli, Leonardo Lossi, Francesco Mione, Alessandro Noferi and Alessio Vecchio.
- A CNN-LSTM Deep Learning Classifier for Motor Imagery EEG Detection Using a Low-Invasive and Low-Cost BCI Headband. Francisco M. Garcia-Moreno, Maria Bermudez-Edo, María José Rodríguez-Fórtiz and José Luis Garrido.
Session#5 Virtual and Augmented Smart Spaces
Chair: Pedro Moura (Universidade de Coimbra)
- A Scenario Experience Method with Virtual Reality Technologies for Designing Mixed Reality Services. Kota Gushima and Tatsuo Nakajima.
- Towards an automatic recommendation system to well-being for elderly based on augmented reality. Luis Ronquillo, Víctor Zamudio, David Gutiérrez-Hernández, Javier Navarro, Faiyaz Doctor and Carlos Lino.
- Gamified Smart Objects for Museums Based on Automatically Generated Quizzes Exploting Linked Data. Alejandro López-Martínez, Carlos A. Iglesias and Álvaro Carrera.
Please refer to workshops websites for program details.
- 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell’20)
- 9th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE 2020)
- 4th International Workshop on Legal Issues in Intelligent Environments (LIIE’20)
- 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Agriculture Production and Environment Protection (ISAPEP’20)
- 4th International Workshop on Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services (CCSCS’20)
- 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Environments and Buildings (IEB’20)
- 1st International Workshop on Research on Smart Grids and Related Applications (SGRA’20)
- 1st International Workshop on Open and Crowdsourced Location Data (ISOCLoD’20)
- 1st International Workshop on Social Media Analysis for Intelligent Environment (SMAIE’20)