Inicio » Conference

Important Dates

Conference Dates
June 22-25, 2020
July 20,23, 2020
Conference Paper Submission
February 2nd, 2020
Paper Acceptance Notification
March 20, 2020
Camera-Ready Papers Due
April 20, 2020
May 15, 2020
Workshops Proposal Submission
November 30, 2019
Registration Due
May 22th, 2020
Presentation Upload
June 22th, 2020

Indexed by


Organised by

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
logo UPM

Technical Co-Sponsors

logo Sensors
logo electronics
logo applied sciences
logo IEEE
logo IOSPress


Intelligent Environments (IE) refer to physical spaces in which IT and other pervasive computing technology are woven and used to achieve specific goals for the user, the environment or both. IEs have the ultimate objective of enriching user experience, better manage, and increase user awareness of that environment. The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2020) will be held at the city of Madrid, the capital of Spain.

Conference Program: The conference provides a multidisciplinary collaborative forum for researchers and practitioners from Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Building Architecture, Art & Design, Sociology, Government and Education, Cybersecurity, Life Science and Healthcare to present theoretical and practical results related to the development and applications of Intelligent Environments. The event will include regular full/short papers as well as a Doctoral Colloquium, a Posters Session and Tutorial, Demos & Videos Session. 

Workshops Program: as in previous editions, a number of workshops will complement the main conference program. Papers accepted in any of the workshops sponsored by this conference will be included in one Proceedings volume that will collect the contributions in all workshops. A list of proposed and accepted workshops will be published soon.

Publications:  all papers accepted in the main conference will be published in an indexed proceedings (currently in negotiation with IEEE, as in previous editions). All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (ISI indexed) of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.  

Industrial Forum: this will be a networking event and an opportunity for the business sector to showcase their innovation.

Tutorials Program and Doctoral Colloquium: The conference offers an interesting scenario for presenting interactive research works in the form of tutorials. In addition, the conference will provide to doctoral students an interesting opportunity for presenting their research work and obtaining feedback from senior and experienced researchers.

Special Issues: a number of journal issues will be published encompassing core areas of the event, such as Sensors-MDPI or IEEE ACCESS.    

Special Sessions: selected topics will qualify to be considered as special tracks organized by members from our scientific community. 

Awards: these will recognize the best Full Paper, Short Paper, Doctoral Colloquium (DC) paper, Demo, and Video.


Each year, we invite applications to host future Intelligent Environments conferences. Although the application process is relatively straightforward, applicants are strongly encouraged to seek the assistance of one of the IE SC members.

To host an IE conference, all you need do is submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) Form for Hosting an IE Conference providing some details about you and your organization. This form details the initial information we need to assess the suitability of your venue and team. It also includes details of people on the IE SC that you can contact to help you submit your application. In general terms the venue should be attractive and pleasant to visitors with easy access by public transport and be able to accommodate several hundred conference participants. Should the initial details you provide on the EOI form seem suitable for hosting an Intelligent Environments conference, we may ask you to submit another more detailed form in which you will be asked to provide greater detail on the venue and organization.

To be evaluated for hosting the IE20XX conference (or to informal enquire), please submit your application via e-mail to Professor Vic Callaghan ( and Professor Juan Carlos Augusto ( The deadline for receiving applications is the 15th of April in the year preceding the conference.