The fourth activity of the second call of EElisa on-the-move was the International Seminar with level 3 impact Key Drivers for Optimal Operation of Public Transport Systems. It consisted in a lecture given by Prof. Sergio Jara from Universidad de Chile, followed by a mentoring session with PhD Adriana Cortez from TransyT UPM.
Dr. Sergio Jara Díaz is a renown Professor in Transportation, Economics and Mobility, being his fields of research Microeconomics of Public Transportation, Evaluation of Transportation Projects and Strategies for transportation pricing. He currently teaches at the Civil Engineering Department of Universidad de Chile.
In the lecture, he analyzed transport systems from the economies of scale perspective. He argued that it is crutial to consider all resources involved when calculating the Optimal Price, including users time. He concluded with the exposition of the case study of Santiago de Chile.
20-22 May

Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/Profesor Aranguren, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid—Sala José Echagaray, First floor.