Madrid 10, 11 and 12 July
International Co-Creation Workshops: Benchmarking the Challenge of 15-minute Cities in Europe.
This was the first of three workshops planned for this seminar. It took place on the 10th, 11th and 12th of July in Madrid and was organized by UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

A three-day intensive multidisciplinary seminar for making a diagnosis of urban boroughs, comparing and cross-checking their findings to research 15mCity goals in the two areas of the case study. The seminar combined both student learning and real-world practice following a community-based learning approach.
Monday 10th There were lectures given by speakers coming from UPM university, such as Andrés Monzón (ETSICCP), Patxi Lamíquiz (ETSAM) and Mari Luz Brownrigg-Gleeson (ETSICCP). In addition, a few coaches helped in the development of the activities: Andrea Alonso (ETSAM) and Inmaculada Mohino (ETSAM).

Thursday 11th
The sites chosen for the data collection and later study were two neighborhoods along the Madrid Río Park, “Imperial” and “Camino Alto de San Isidro”. On the field visit, there were representatives of both neighborhood associations “Pasillo Verde – Imperial” and “Alto de San Isidro”.

Later that afternoon the two multidisciplinary students’ groups began working on the case study.

Wednesday 12th
The seminar closed with the student’s final presentations and awards. In this presentation not only representatives of the association, but teaching staff gave their points of view on the work of both teams.

- This seminar will be replicated in a second Workshop in Paris: Cross-check with the diagnosis and compare with solutions applied in Paris.
- And a third one in Madrid: Results, recap Paris WS2 and applied the solutions.
Seminar Presentations
Introduction to 15-minute city (Prof. Patxi Lamíquiz Dep. Urban and Land Space Planning ETSAM)
Planning and densification, the limits to densification (Prof. Patxi Lamíquiz Dep. Urban and Land Space
Green infrastructure and public spaces (Prof. Andrea Alonso Dep. Urban and Land Space Planning
Accessibility. Active transport in mobility (Phd Mariluz Brownrigg Gleeson)
Indicators. The 15-minute city numbers (Prof. Inmaculada Mohino Dep. Urban and Land Space Planning