FEGA project

Development of computer models for the identification of abandoned agricultural lands from multi-temporal series of images captured by Sentinel satellites in order to monitor their admissibility conditions in the regimes of the Common Agricultural Policy.

Period: July 2021- July 2025

Project RCN-APA202100020 funded by Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria O.A. (FEGA)

The FEGA is interested in having computer tools that allow optimizing the use of Sentinel-2 data to monitor abandoned agricultural lands within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) context in order to minimize the risk of suffering financial corrections because of inappropriate controls. They are specially focused on vineyard, olive groves and other fruit trees as well as permanent pastures.

For this purpose, Geo-QuBiDy research group is developing algorithms to generate vegetation indices time series from Sentinel-2 satellites automatically and models to identify abandoned lands efficiently.

Both parties wish to collaborate to strengthen the research activity and the transfer of knowledge for its application to the CAP controls, for the benefit of the agricultural productive sectors and in defense of the financial interests of the EU.

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