
Alicia Palacios Orueta: M.S. & Ph.D. Soil Science, University of California, Davis and Agricultural Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. She is Professor at the Department of Agroforestry Engineering, UPM.

Javier Litago: PhD and Agronomist by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. He is Professor at UPM in the Department of Statistics and Methods in Agriculture Management since 1998.

Silvia Merino de Miguel: PhD in Forest Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, MSc in Remote sensing (University College & Imperial College London), and Forest Engineering BSc (UPM). She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Forest and Environmental Engineering and Management (UPM) with several courses in the area of Geomatics: Land Surveying, GIS, Remote sensing, LiDAR and Photogrammetry. Her current research interests include forestry, forest fires, remote sensing and GIS.

Laura Recuero Pavón: PhD in Advanced Forestry Research from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. BSc and MSc in Forestry Engineering (UPM). She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economy, Statistics and Business Management (UPM). Her research line is mainly focused on the statistical analysis of remote sensing time series to assess vegetation dynamics in agricultural and forested areas at different scales.

Patricia Arrogante Funes: PhD in Chemical and Environmental engineering (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain), Postgraduated in Geographic Information Technologies (Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain) and Graduated in Environmental Sciences (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain).

Carlos Novillo Camacho: PhD and Forestry Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. He is Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, España) in the Department of Quemical and Environmental Technologies since 2007.

Alexander Ariza: PhD in Forestry Engineering from the Universidad Distrital de Bogota (UD), Colombia. He is an adjunct researcher at the United Nations Office UNSPIDER, Professor at the Universidad Catolica de Manizales (Manizales, Colombia) in the Department of Engineering since.

Víctor Cicuéndez Ocaña: I am a Forestry Engineer with a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) (both degrees in 2011). In addition, I have a Master’s degree (2012) and a PhD (2021) in the “Agro-environmental Technology for Sustainable Agriculture” program of the UPM, with qualification of outstanding and outstanding cum laude with mention of “International Doctorate”, respectively. I am now an assistant doctor teacher in the Agroforestry department of the Agricultural Engineering School at UPM.
My main line of research is focused on assessing CO2 fluxes and their relationship with climate in forest and agricultural ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales through remote sensing and new instrumental techniques, such as “Eddy Covariance” micrometeorological flux towers. Other lines of research in which I have collaborated are: (1) the phenological assessment of agricultural and forest ecosystems at different spatial scales through time series analysis, (2) the erosion of agricultural soils in Mediterranean areas through remote sensing, and (3) the modeling of forest fires by time series analysis.
Post doctorated

María Jesús Rosado García: PhD student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, MSc. in Civil Engineering (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain) and MSc. in BIM Managment (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España). She is professor at Department of Forestry and Environmental Engineering and Management at UPM since 2006 teaching design, GIS, BIM and educational innovation. Her research field focuses on the study of transversality of science, arte, engineering and technology.
Graduate students

César Sáenz Flores: Master in Agro-Environmental Technology for Sustainable Agriculture from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, Master in Climate Change by the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) and Agricultural Engineer (ESPOL). He is a Ph.D student at the UPM. He is interested in studies of remote sensors focused on agriculture and climate change.

Klaus Wiese: M.Sc. in Geographic Information Technologies from Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain and Environmental Engineer from Universidad Católica de Honduras. He works for the Natural History Museum of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

Rafaela Tiengo: Ph.D. student in Engineering and Management of the Natural Environment at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain). MSc in Volcanology and Natural Hazards (University of the Azores, Portugal) and BSc in Geography (University of Espírito Santo, Brazil).

Andrea Viñuales Navarro: Industrial PhD student at INIA-CSIC, Quasar Science Resources SL and UPM, enrolled in the Engineering and Management of the Natural Environment program. She holds an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS from The Autonomous University of Barcelona and a BSc in Biology from the University of Vic (Barcelona). Her research focuses on the automatic detection and prediction of wildfires using remote sensing imagery and Live Fuel Moisture Content data.

Diego Madruga Ramos: Computer Science engineer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is interested in remote sensing, AI and deep learning algorithms, and helps the group as developer.

Alfonso Bermejo Saiz: Agricultural engineer at Universidad de Burgos and Master in Agro-Environmental Technology for Sustainable Agriculture at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). He is interested in GIS, remote sensing and in its use to study the dynamics of vegetation.

Tomás Pugni Stanek: Natural Environment Engineer by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and student of the Master in Ecosystem Restoration at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. His main interests are GIS, programming and remote sensing to study the dynamics of ecosystems and the different index that determine the impact of wildfires on ecosystems.

Sergio Chamoso Rojo: Science, Management and Services engineering and Business Administration student at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is interested in programming, marketing and business innovation.
Training in the workplace
Silvia Martín-Romero Recarte: Intermediate student of Natural Environmental Engineering (UPM), collaborating at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in the study of environmental processes through remote sensing and GIS.
Carla Romera Ochoa: Intermediate student of Natural Environment Engineering (UPM) support of the research team (GEOQUIDY) of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Nicolás Redondo Mayans: Intermediate student of microcomputer systems and networks (La salle, Griñon, Madrid), been helping with a satellite image recognition program, the Geoquibidy web, and developing a UPM videogame.
Guillermo Lavado Rodríguez: Intermediate (FP) student in microcomputer systems and networks (SMR), support of the research team (GEOQUIDY) of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Alejandro Sobrino Murillo y Gonzalo Romero Lucas: Intermediate student of microcomputer systems and networks (La salle, Griñon, Madrid) support of the research team of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).
Former participants

Nieves Núñez Romero: Received the MSc degree in Biology from the Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) in 2004. She has worked as Laboratory Technician at the Department of Agricultural Production at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, and since 2019, she is with the Departament of Forestry and Environmental Engineer and Management (UPM). Her current research interest include forestry, ecology, vegetation, remote sensing and geographical information systems.

Raquel Domínguez Pérez: Postgraduated in Disaster Management (Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) and Natural Risks (Universidad de León, Spain). Environmental Scientist from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Currently, she is a research assistant at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).

Fátima Arrogante Funes: PhD student and MSc. in Geographic Information Technologies (Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España), and bachelor in Forestry Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain). Her research field focuses on the study of vulnerability to wildfires. Specifically, in developing methodologies based on spatial data and remote sensing that allow mapping and evaluating ecological and socio-economic vulnerability to fires through biodiversity indices, ecosystem functionality, characterization of ecosystem services, fire regime, regeneration delay and human value.