Technical INFOLANDYN Conference

ArcGIS On-Line and FieldMaps
Contributions to the 10th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2024) (15-17 July 2024, Gran Canaria, Spain)
- Estimation and prediction of cereal production using NDVI time series (Sentinel-2)
data in central Spain. Coauthors: César Sáenz, Alfonso Bermejo Sáinz, Víctor
Cicuéndez, Tomás Pugni, Diego Madruga, Javier Litago, Alicia Palacios Orueta.
Contributions to the XX Congress of the Spanish Remote Sensing Assosiation (AET) (5-7 June, Cádiz, Spain)
- NDVI trend in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands during the period 2001-2020: assessment of forests as carbon sinks or emitters.
Coauthors: Cristina Sánchez-Cabezudo Goytre (speaker), Laura Recuero Pavón, Alicia Palacios-Orueta; Silvia Merino de Miguel - Efficiency in the Study of Olive Trees in SIGPAC Parcels at Different Spatial Resolutions of Sentinel-2.
Coauthors: Tomás Luis Pugni Stanek (speaker), Diego Madruga Ramos; Silvia Merino de Miguel; Alicia Palacios Oreta, Laura Recuero Pavón, César Sáenz, Alfonso Bermejo-Saiz; Cristina Jorquera Sánchez. - INFOLANDYN: Information System of Biosphere Dynamics Indicators. Coauthors: Alicia Palacios-Orueta, Laura Recuero Pavón, Javier Litago, Silvia Merino-de-Miguel, Tomás Pugni, Alfonso Bermejo, César Sáenz, Carlos Novillo, Patricia Arrogante, Alexander Ariza, María Jesús García, Sergio Chamoso.
Contribution to scientific congress
We have contributed to the XIX Congress of the Spanish Remote Sensing Association (AET) with the following communications:
- Monitoring of rice seasonality using Sentinel-2 time series in Guayas (Ecuador) presented by Laura Recuero Pavón.
- Identification of maize dynamics in areas with a high level of cloudiness (Ecuador) with NDVI-MODIS time series presented by César Sáenz Flores.
Videogame development: GeoHarvest
Videogame development: Geo Harvest
GeoHarvest is a game being currently developed on the Geo-Qubidy team about farming and analyze your crops. It will be a small free stardew-like game designed for people to play and enjoy a little while using the other services we offer, it may have a web online version, and will surely have a downloadable one.

Doctoral thesis reading
Our colleague Víctor Cicuéndez López-Ocaña recently read his doctoral thesis entitled Assessment of different components of the Carbon flux in forest and agricultural ecosystems using remote sensing data and field measurements.
You can read it here.
European Space Agency Tour
Last week our team visited ESA facilities in order to learn and get informed about SMOS and XMM-Newton missions. Through a well planned tour and really interesting explanations, we could take a glipse through out de main missions of the corporation.

Drone piloting exam (17/11/23)
Two members of our team have obtained the drone piloting qualification.
Mapaton Cruz Roja Activity
Our team had the oportunity to learn and colaborate in an open source program which has the aim of maping many of the poor and unknown areas of the world.