Miguel Ángel Toledo, PhD. Professor. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM): Profesor Toledo has been teaching Dam Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid for more than 20 years, since 1991. Has been involved in plenty of designs and studies of dams and is the coordinator of the Dam Safety Research Group (SERPA). So, he is a rare mix of teacher, practitioner and researcher. He has devoted, and still does, much of his research activity to rockfill dam failure due to overtopping and how to avoid it.

Rafael Morán Moya, Ph.D. Lecturer. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM): Rafael Morán works since 2009 as Lecturer of Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid (TUM) where focuses his main teaching activities in the courses of Dam Engineering and Hydraulic Infrastructures. Before taking his first academic job in the Department of Civil Engineering: Hydraulics, Energy and Environment at TUM, he worked as a civil engineer for different consultant companies during 10 years performing technical studies, project designs, and technical project management in hydraulic engineering, most of them related to dam construction. His doctoral thesis deals with protections of rockfill dams against extreme through-flows using rockfill downstream berms. His current research lines are focused on dam safety, dam protections and analysis of monitoring data.

Ricardo Monteiro Alves, MSc. Researcher. Dam Safety Research Group (SERPA): Ricardo Alves obtained in 2011 the master degree in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. Performed the internship in the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering of Portugal (LNEC) to do the master dissertation in geotechnics. Since 2012 works with the Dam Safety Research Group (SERPA) as a researcher at the Technical University of Madrid where in 2016 joined the Ph.D. program. His doctoral thesis focuses on rockfill dam failure mechanisms.