EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning: “Applications of Artificial Intelligence to digital transformation in companies”

EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning: “Applications of Artificial Intelligence to digital transformation in companies”

| Date: 03-05 July 2023, Madrid, Spain.
| Place: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

On April 28th 2023 the call for the implementation of EELISA pilot experiences of challenge-based learning in subjects of the official degrees of the Technical University of Madrid was published. The EELISA Circular Community has obtained funding to implement two challenges:

The challenge Applications of Artificial Intelligence to digital transformation in companies will be implemented in two subjects of the Master’s Degree in Air Transport Systems, led byt the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIAE) with the support of the company Airia Ingeniería y Servicios, S.A.

Aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial

The CHALLENGE ask to design an improvement proposal and an implementation plan for the integration of innovation in the management system, supported by artificial intelligence tools. The challenge addresses the SDG-9 and SDG-12 objectives included in the learning guides of the subjects and is based on the needs of two different stakeholder groups. Students focus in selected proposal from the Challenge ID16, Part I.

Experience objective
A peer evaluation of the challenge presentations conducted in the classroom has been carried out, for which a rubric was provided. An external panel has also reviewed the results presented on the blog. It has been necessary to modify the panel of international reviewers, and it has been linked to the CSTO2NE Co-Delivery workshop and the AMIR summer course

Each team has made a presentation and a blog entry. The structure and objectives were previously defined. The topics they focused on were: “Waste Processing”; “Preventive Maintenance in SATE-Barajas”; “Adaptive Exterior Lighting”; “Detection and Management of Aircraft Spills in the Airport Movement Area using AI”; “Intelligent Waste Management System Applied to the Airport Handling Company”; “Implementation of Drones and AI for Airport Runway Inspection”.

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