Circular EELISA Community

Welcome to the website of Circular EELISA, a Community of the EELISA Alliance of Universities around circular economy.

The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is an alliance of nine universities from different countries in Europe meant to foster a new paradigm of European Engineer rooted in society.

European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions (graduate engineering schools, technology universities and full-spectrum universities) from different countries in Europe meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society.

EELISA’s acronym also pays a tribute to women engineers through the memory of Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu (1887 – 1973), one of the very first women to obtain an engineering degree in the world. She also embodied the core elements of EELISA Alliance: she had a multi-cultural and cross-border background, contributed to engineering with innovative methods for the analysis of minerals and had a determined social commitment.


    THE MUEC WEEK – A comprehensive Circular Experience from Circular EELISA Community & CIRCLE project | Date: January 20-24, 2024. | Place: Various industry-leading locations in Spain.| Participants: Graduate students of all disciplines and levels Organized by the Circular EELISA Community & the CIRCLE…

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  • Critically Untrash: Upcycle Challenge as Self-reflective Practice for Sustainability
    Critically Untrash: Upcycle Challenge as Self-reflective Practice for Sustainability | Date & time: 19-20-21 February 2025| Place:  Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye| Language: English| Participants: University students of all disciplines and levels Waste and waste management has been a core issue in the Green Deal…

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  • Innovative Digital Approaches for Sustainable Urban Futures
    Webinar 1: climate[n]urban | Date: Wednesday 11 Dec. 2024 / 17.00 – 18.30 CET| Place: Online| Participants: Graduate students of all disciplines and levels| Registration: The activity,  climate(n)urban  is the First Webinar, addressing four different climate-related challenges that aim to provide a basis for knowledge creation and…

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