Teachers presentations

Justo García Navarro

Hello, welcome to the blog of the course TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL COMPETENCE (T4PDC), part of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), where students are complementing their technological capabilities with other professional, social and civic skills, and will publicly share their training experiences.

My name is Justo García Navarro, and I am a Full Professor in the Construction Unit of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering of this university, the UPM.

I am currently the coordinator of the specialty in Minerals and Construction Products of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy, and UPM Coordinator of the AMIR EM Master’s Degree. I am also a member of the Academic Committees of the Doctoral Programs in AGROENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION IN BUILDING, and a member of the Educational Innovation Group in ELECTRICAL AND AUTOMATIC TECHNOLOGIES IN RURAL ENGINEERING. In the field of R&D&I, I am the director of the Research Group SUSTAINABILITY IN CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRY, giSCI-UPM, and of the UPM Research Unit associated with the Institute for Research in Social Welfare Policies (POLIBIENESTAR) of the University of Valencia, specialized in research, innovation and social technology, technical advice and training in social policies.

Finally, I am the Coordinator of the EELISA Circular Community, within the framework of the EELISA Alliance of European Universities.

More information about my academic and research activities are published at: https://blogs.upm.es/gisci/director/

David Sanz Arauz

Associated Professor at the ETS Architecture, UPM. Geologist by initial training, specialist in construction materials and heritage. Writer in his (rare) free time.

Head of the Creative Writing Workshop in the Master’s Degree in Architectural Communication (MACA) at the UPM (2018-present). Trained in Narrative (short story and novel), Dramaturgy, Film Scriptwriting and in Analysis of Narrative Texts, at the School of Writers, Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo and La Central de Cine.

He has written mainly short stories and plays. His work “Al corro de la patata” (2014) was awarded in several competitions and premiered at the Tantarantana theater in Barcelona.

In the academic field he has directed final degree projects on narrative and architecture: Architecture and cinema: the figure of the labyrinth as a narrative resource. (2020); In the mood for love. Forms of absence?  (2023) and Surviving Architectures: Exploring Ruins in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema (2024).

Ana Jiménez Rivero

Estimados estudiantes y otros lectores:

En este blog reflexionamos sobre nuestras competencias, nuestro entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE) y nuestra identidad digital (DI). Es un placer para mí contribuir con mi experiencia en este campo.

Dada la naturaleza del tema, si estás interesado en saber más sobre mi experiencia te animo a que busques mi perfil en internet.

Estaré encantado de guiarte a través de esta experiencia de aprendizaje gracias a mi experiencia en el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida. Espero que las discusiones y reflexiones que llevan dentro del tema te acompañen a lo largo de tus trayectorias personales y profesionales.

Como verás en la Guía del Curso, en algunas sesiones seguiremos metodologías de enseñanza innovadoras. Un ejemplo de esto son los tutoriales de aprendizaje invertido. Tengo experiencia en la creación de contenidos para dar la vuelta a la clase, por lo que espero contribuir al desarrollo de sesiones más dinámicas que te permitan personalizar tu propio aprendizaje.