At the following URL, you will find the final video of the lessons learned in the T4PDC course
MOOCs Courses Yenny Mancera
MOOC I Personal Branding
When it comes to personal branding, it’s important to answer 3 questions. what, is it because, your personal brand is who you are. why, to grow professionally and personally, adding value to what others perceive; and how, Creating content of your interest
After taking the mooc course, in personal branding, I have identified two aspects that I used to not consider when sharing content: Knowledge of the basic concepts of digital security. And reputation management
MOOC II Circular Economy
The second course taken was the circular economy, in which we reinforced the previous knowledge acquired in the master’s degree and other media. This was done by the Edx Platform.
Reinforcing my knowledge, I have directed my attention to two contents that I had not considered before, the first, waste is food, which is based on restoration and recycling, and the second, thinking in systems, which involves all the parts of the diagram of the butterfly.
Opinion mooc courses
The advantages of mooc courses are low costs, time flexibility, multicultural learning and that you can certify yourself
The disadvantages of mooc courses are that they cannot resolve questions and doubts and that tasks cannot be accurately evaluated to deal with system problems.
In conclusion, I can say that this course has enabled me to evaluate my professional digital skills and establish my professional objective to develop a good digital identity. In the same way, I was able to reinforce my knowledge in circular economy.
It is important to know what data we share on the web since these become our digital identity. It is important to know how, where, who and what to share, to meet our professional objectives and maintain control of this information.
My academic and professional digital identity plan has content on circular economy, architecture, engineering, and construction materials. I have devided the objectives, the value proposition, and the key activities in two aspects, professional and personal. In which I identify what I want to show, how and what I contribute. I have associated the key resources and costs according to the key activities that I need to develop for my academic and professional digital identity
Finally, I have established who my collaborators can be, to whom I want to show or who may be interested in my digital identity and how I can do it.
Currently, my PLE is based on the tools that I have heard about, tested and use regularly, I wanted to place the image of the brain with the camera and organize the tools that I use in photographs, since this represents a part of my way of thinking. learning that photographic memory is, which I consider important to identify when choosing which tools or applications to use. I have left out of these photographs, the tools which I have tried but, with which I do not feel comfortable working or even take advantage of.
For my future PLE, I want to improve some aspects. As for the search, I want to start using a reference manager, to make the most of the articles and sources I reach and get quality academic articles. For learning, I will insist on duolingo for better in a second language, you will include spotify to discover new podcasts. In creativity, I will try to use Adove’s resources more since it has several applications that may be more effective than the ones I already use.
Reflection on the future
While I was involved with different projects focused on public structures or infrastructure in my short professional life, I thought that there was only one way, and that was to create a company and bid for the same old projects in the municipalities or cities of my country, because they were supposed to help improve the quality of life of the people.
Throughout the studies that I began to develop to achieve this objective I realised that everything was focused on generating my own profit, using the same old materials and causing the same damage to the environment; if I really wanted to make a difference in giving people a better quality of life from my profession, something had to change.
It was there when my interest in alternative materials turned my attention to the circular economy, where I could not only apply the previous knowledge I already had, but I could do something more. And that something more has led me to think and work on a type of waste that we see every day and that is very difficult to treat because of its chemical content and cost, cigarette butts.
I want to successfully continue with the remaining studies of the master’s degree and with the help of the internship to develop in depth the elaboration of a common material but based on this cigarette waste and turn it into an acoustic insulator very used in the world of construction.
Yenny Mancera
Yenny Mancera
My name is Yenny Mancera. I am a civil engineer from the Universidad de la Salle (Colombia), where I got involved in research projects on the use of alternative construction materials, making my way into the world of structural design through the project of a pedestrian bridge in guadua for places of difficult access.
From there I started working in LinceAndina, a structural design company and after that I worked for 3 years in the public sector, where I learned the importance of project formulation in the construction sector and therefore I did a master’s degree in project management at the American University of Europe.
At the end of these studies, I was given the opportunity to travel to Spain where I did an expert course in BIM Manager at the European University of Valencia, without leaving aside my interest in researching alternative materials for construction, and focusing my previous knowledge in my current studies in the Master of Circular Economy at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where I also work on a research project on acoustic insulation made from waste.
I am passionate about nature and animals, so in my free time I enjoy walks with my family to parks or the mountains and I take care of some puppies; I love crafts and artwork, so I take advantage of some discarded materials to make furniture and ornaments for my house or my friends and neighbours.